The Shrouded Isle

The Shrouded Isle

0% 完成度 2 评论 4 人喜欢

平台: Windows / Mac

As spiritual leader of a struggling seaside village, you must guide your citizens... at least, the ones who survive.



The Shrouded Isle is a human sacrifice cult simulator in which you play as the high priest of a secluded island village, preparing for the awakening of a dark god by purging sinners in your community. Each member of the village is randomly generated with hidden traits-some virtuous, others heretical. As high priest, you must uncover and kill the heretics, while carefully maintaining the loyalty of their powerful aristocratic families.

Closely examine your citizenry to find the best strategy for your people and your beliefs. Families may not like it if you choose their favorite children to sacrifice on the altar.


  1. Humble Ray 2017-06-15

    Love the art style. Finally, release on 8.4 !

  2. eastecho 2017-06-15

    The art style is so cool!

