A shiny morning
A path for alone
A book that has been preordered for long
Lake in dawn feels like a piece of unusual
A girl, calling for help?
Meet or Miss?
Already dusk when wake up
What a secret hiding in the gray lawn?
Can't find way back
LP is running out
Where should I head?
Give up or Move on?
The library, why locked?
Into the building, slience, not a lidication of life
Bikes beyoud the building seems to yelling something.
In this very different world
Facing the most powerful enemy.
Persist or Surrender?
In this universe only belongs to me.
How should I draw borders for myself?
In this travel that meaned to be longly
Will I have courage to take steps?
Restore Reality
Bring you to a mystories university
For this very moment.
I'm looking forward an encounter.
编辑 | 黛泠
“数媒科协自制RPG游戏—— The Mirror 将于5月18日本周四 正式开放电脑与移动端下载 届时对于幸运玩家将有精美礼品奉上 敬请期待”
- 微动数媒:The Mirror | 期待与你邂逅的“我” -
“场景还原江南大学 ·角色扮演类游戏 ·三院人马共同制作 ·一个月 +零半个月 ·有趣、挑战的集合 ·不血腥不暴力不色情”
- 微动数媒:RPG今日正式公测