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ARIE: Moonprayer is an anime-style exploration experience. Moon is falling, and the world is ending. You will travel across the last remaining island in the world to reach the island’s peak, and play the “moonsongs” that resonates with the departed, uncovering the beauty of the apocalyptic world.


Moon is falling, and the world is ending.

Humankind is dying, making Island Cerul the last land on Earth.

Yet Diallo has to send on the departed to the moon, which is a moonbard’s purpose.

He will ride on a dramatic journey in an ending world with his benefactor's daughter, Raye, to make for Baptismal Terra, the peak of the world.

Song Of The Moonbard

As a Moonbard, you have to face the spirits of the departed. By performing Moonsongs, they can return to the moon.

You can finish their ascensions by following the rhythm of the moonsong and syncing with the music tempo.

As the remorse of the departed goes too far, it’ll become a moonspirit, which is a threat to your life.

You can perform the moonsongs to free them from suffering. For every bar/beat of the music, their existence would fade little by little.

After they are sent off, you can unlock their stories and upgrade your abilities.

Unveil The Forgotten History

As a moonbard, you have the power to sense the memories of the departed. That means, many hidden relics can be found on the island. They can provide key fragments to the truth of the world. 

You can also solve puzzles and gather resources by performing moonsongs.

An Elegant Take On Apocalypse

Due to the high tides, a mountain became Island Cerul. Water is everywhere.

Great canyons, reef coast, misty forest… these will make you stand for a few moments, admiring the view. Day/night cycle also provides different beauties of same places.

However, the rising tides will occasionally become an obstacle on your journey.


  • A beautiful apocalyptic world of Japanese anime style characters and pristine natural landscapes
  • "Ascension" experience that interacts with the environment with moving music
  • A short but deep, dramatic experience to understand the heavy legacy of history




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