MIMIKU喔 liked article: 游戏本地化的实现 2021-04-29

MIMIKU喔 saved article: 游戏本地化的实现 2021-04-29

MIMIKU喔 joined group: ink 语言交流小组 2020-03-14

MIMIKU喔 liked article: 高阶 Inky 残卷 2020-01-05

MIMIKU喔 saved article: 高阶 Inky 残卷 2020-01-05

MIMIKU喔 saved article: UE4 模拟流体水滴下雨 2019-11-14

MIMIKU喔 liked article: UE4 模拟流体水滴下雨 2019-11-14

MIMIKU喔 followed: bitca.cn 2018-07-05

MIMIKU喔 updated the game: 巡警: features 2018-06-30

MIMIKU喔 updated verification: 《The Patrolman》游戏作者 2018-06-29

MIMIKU喔 released a new game: 巡警 2018-06-29

MIMIKU喔 achieved: Member 2018-06-29

MIMIKU喔 has upgraded to grade: 5 2018-06-29

MIMIKU喔 liked user's game: 模拟学园物语 2018-02-15

MIMIKU喔 followed: 延静斋孙 2017-12-01

MIMIKU喔 liked user's game: 1998大作战 2017-08-07

MIMIKU喔 's review on 画之谜 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-20

MIMIKU喔 liked user's game: 愤怒军团 2017-06-15

MIMIKU喔 's review on 暴走机甲 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-14

MIMIKU喔 's review on 费尔堡 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-14

MIMIKU喔 's review on 回音倒影 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-14

MIMIKU喔 's review on 炫光六边形消除 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-13

MIMIKU喔 's review on Eddy紫 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2017-06-13

MIMIKU喔 updated the game: The Cop's: detailed information 2017-05-03

MIMIKU喔 released a new game: The Cop's 2017-05-02

MIMIKU喔 updated the game: 带我下地狱2: screenshots 2017-05-01

MIMIKU喔 made a comment on a user game: 噬人白昼 2017-04-25

最近在玩 (3 / 1008)

游戏时长:28 天 10 小时 41 分钟

游戏时长:34 天 15 小时 49 分钟

ENDLESS™ Space 2
游戏时长:1 天 8 小时 12 分钟