

《火花维度》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)


Asixa liked user's game: Demon Engine 2017-06-05

Asixa posted new block in pxworld: Hi~ 2016-12-27

Asixa commented 反盗版联盟 in group: office@indienova 2016-11-27

Asixa made a comment on a user game: 行星:方舟 2016-11-27

Asixa was verified as: 《火花维度》开发团队 2016-11-23

Asixa updated the game: 火花维度: detailed information 2016-09-16

Asixa updated the game: 火花维度: basic information 2016-09-13

Asixa updated the game: 火花维度: related links 2016-09-13

Asixa was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-08-30

Asixa liked user's game: 火花维度 2016-08-22

Asixa updated the game: 火花维度: detailed information 2016-08-19

Asixa joined group: Unity3D 2016-08-19

Asixa achieved: Indie Developer 2016-08-19

Asixa released a new game: 火花维度 2016-08-19

Asixa invited: Laneing 2016-06-11

Asixa achieved: Newcomer 2016-06-11

Asixa has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-06-11

Asixa invited: SteveLouis 2015-12-23

Asixa achieved: Invitation 2015-12-23

Asixa followed: Humble Ray 2015-12-08

Asixa followed: 3KING 2015-12-08

Asixa followed: SANKINGINK 2015-12-06

最近在玩 (0 / 218)