《布林机》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
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《布林机》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
Brainagi updated the game: Brain Machine: title 2020-04-27
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: screenshots 2020-04-26
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: screenshots 2020-04-24
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: basic information 2020-04-24
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: detailed information 2020-04-15
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: screenshots 2020-03-23
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: videos 2020-02-19
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: detailed information 2020-02-18
Brainagi updated the game: 墨盘: detailed information 2020-02-18
Brainagi has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-01-20
Brainagi saved article: 是什么让你做的小游戏听起来怪怪的? 2019-09-17
Brainagi saved article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2018-06-08
Brainagi saved article: 如何做去目标化的指引(下) 2018-06-08
Brainagi updated the game: 布林机: screenshots 2017-12-03
Brainagi updated the game: 布林机: logo image 2017-12-02
Brainagi updated the game: 布林机: screenshots 2017-11-28
Brainagi liked article: 你注意到《墓园姐妹》里的那些墓碑了吗? 2017-11-18
Brainagi was verified as: 《布林机》开发团队 2017-09-25
Brainagi liked user blog: 《Brain Machine(布林机)》试玩bug反馈(一) 2017-09-24
Brainagi updated the game: 布林机: press releases 2017-09-22
Brainagi liked user blog: 画之谜(Draw Puzzle)试玩repo 2017-09-22
Brainagi achieved: Indie Developer 2017-09-19
Brainagi has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-09-19
Brainagi upgraded your membership 2017-09-19