《虫虫》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《虫虫》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
errormee was verified as: 《虫虫》开发团队 2016-11-23
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: screenshots 2016-10-15
errormee liked blog: 不为人知工作室只差一个程序员了 2016-09-29
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: preview image 2016-09-28
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: detailed information 2016-09-16
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: detailed information 2016-09-14
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: logo image 2016-09-13
errormee saved article: indienova 换了一个新 Logo 2016-09-13
errormee updated the game: 虫虫: store links 2016-09-13
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: videos 2016-06-26
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: screenshots 2016-06-26
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: logo image 2016-06-19
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: screenshots 2016-06-18
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: features 2016-06-18
errormee updated the game: 蜂巢: contacts 2016-06-18
errormee joined group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2016-06-09
errormee followed: Veewo Games 2016-06-09
errormee followed: Sgougou Game帅狗狗 2016-06-09
errormee followed: 地心游戏(Geocentric) 2016-06-09