《僵尸禁行曲》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《僵尸禁行曲》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
helixngc7293 liked article: 如何把控一款 Platformer 的关卡节奏 2019-02-04
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 如何把控一款 Platformer 的关卡节奏 2019-02-04
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: Fortune-499:不是 Undertale 却粗糙得可爱 2019-01-25
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 2018 indienova 大事记 2019-01-25
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品3.5-3.11 2018-03-09
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 守护神山的家族——Children Of Morta 前瞻 2018-03-02
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 作曲宅 #2:老司机和弦搭配技巧 2017-09-25
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 一口烟一迷案 国产解谜游戏《迷雾侦探》诞生记 2017-09-25
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 五年磨一剑,《愤怒军团》对STG的致敬与传承 2017-09-22
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 陈星汉这回带你到天上飞 2017-09-13
helixngc7293 followed: Salt Sound Studio 2017-08-10
helixngc7293 liked article: 交互戏剧的选择:冒进 VS 圆满 2017-07-31
helixngc7293 liked article: 【作曲宅】手把手教你创作独立游戏音乐 #1 2017-07-26
helixngc7293 posted an article: 【作曲宅】手把手教你创作独立游戏音乐 #1
helixngc7293 liked article: Jonathan Blow的《如何编程独立游戏》摘要 2017-07-23
helixngc7293 made a comment on a blog: 每日一画(7.23) 2017-07-23
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 重见Cyberpunk 2017-07-20
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 手作的艺术:定格动画游戏 2017-07-15
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 手作的艺术:定格动画游戏 2017-07-15
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 一款极具电影感的复仇主题游戏 2017-07-13
helixngc7293 liked article: 这群小孩要进行反成人的暴力革命 2017-07-09
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 使用“马里奥方法”设计游戏关卡:“一鼓作气”和“拦截” 2017-07-09
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 这群小孩要进行反成人的暴力革命 2017-07-06
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 微软“梦想校园行”黑马《噪声》的开发者来了 2017-07-05
helixngc7293 made a comment on an article: 延续 DreamPunk 的记忆 2017-06-29
helixngc7293 made a comment on a user game: Eddy紫 2017-06-20
helixngc7293 made a comment on a user game: Eddy紫 2017-06-20
helixngc7293 made a comment on a user game: Eddy紫 2017-06-14
helixngc7293 made a comment on a user game: Eddy紫 2017-06-13
helixngc7293 has upgraded to grade: 4 2017-06-13