《无尽战火》开发者 (Dev / Studio)
《无尽战火》开发者 (Dev / Studio)
Icbitic joined group: Godot-StartUP 2022-04-11
Icbitic posted a blog: Endless Warfare v0.2.x 版本开发结束 2021-10-05
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: platforms 2021-10-05
Icbitic has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-09-05
Icbitic posted a blog: 慢慢画,迟早有一天会画完的(完成桥和栏杆) 2020-04-10
Icbitic posted a blog: 突然发现很多在indienova上发布的游戏(比如我的)莫名其妙在游戏堡出现 2020-04-03
Icbitic liked group post: 原野(tw@Kldpxl) 2020-03-31
Icbitic liked article: 上线一年多,《太吾绘卷》和它的研发团队怎么样了? 2020-03-16
Icbitic liked article: 多边形游戏地图的生成 #1 2020-03-06
Icbitic liked blog: 桃花源 | 2020.9 | 从单人AI到多人合作 2020-03-03
Icbitic liked article: 投稿:浅谈我的游戏翻译之路(杂谈) 2020-03-03
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: features 2020-02-17
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: preview image 2020-02-11
Icbitic was verified as: 《无尽战火》开发者 2020-02-08
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: logo image 2020-02-08
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: development progress 20% 2020-02-07
Icbitic updated the game: 无尽战火: logo image 2020-01-02
Icbitic made a comment on an article: 投稿:向死而生 - 中国独立游戏的过去、现在与未来 2019-12-10
Icbitic liked article: 投稿:向死而生 - 中国独立游戏的过去、现在与未来 2019-12-10
Icbitic liked article: 开发日志:游戏中的地图生成 2019-12-04
Icbitic posted an article: 开发日志:游戏中的地图生成 2019-12-04
Icbitic followed: indienova 管理员 2019-12-01