johnnysun updated the game: 致命解药: detailed information 2024-11-14

johnnysun updated the game: 致命解药: detailed information 2023-09-28

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2023-04-17

johnnysun updated the game: 致命解药: detailed information 2023-04-07

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2023-03-19

johnnysun updated the game: 致命解药: demos 2023-03-19

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2023-01-30

johnnysun updated the game: 致命解药: detailed information 2023-01-20

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2023-01-01

johnnysun followed: 美词声音工作室 2022-12-27

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2022-12-06

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 致命解药 2022-11-30

johnnysun achieved: Indie Developer 2022-11-18

johnnysun released a new game: 致命解药 2022-11-18

johnnysun achieved: Newcomer 2022-11-18

johnnysun has upgraded to grade: 2 2022-11-18

johnnysun was verified as: 原创独立游戏《极速时刻》和《致命解药》的开发者 2022-11-18

johnnysun made a comment on a user game: 完美犯罪 2018-02-27

johnnysun joined group: 微信小游戏 2018-01-19

johnnysun followed: virmint 2018-01-19
