《求婚大作战》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《求婚大作战》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
lsle01 saved article: 翻译:《小丑牌》开发者谈小丑的设计准则 2024-05-31
lsle01 liked article: 翻译:《小丑牌》开发者谈小丑的设计准则 2024-05-31
lsle01 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-11-15
lsle01 updated the game: 凶手不是我: title 2019-08-18
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: development progress 75% 2018-12-17
lsle01 saved article: 【游戏音乐课】《旺达与巨像》冲突的乐章 2018-10-22
lsle01 saved article: 【GDC 翻译】从《蔚蓝》讲关卡设计 2018-10-21
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: videos 2018-10-20
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: videos 2018-10-18
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: development progress 65% 2018-10-16
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: development progress 80% 2018-09-11
lsle01 liked article: 适用于 Unity 的语言本地化方案 2018-08-27
lsle01 saved article: 适用于 Unity 的语言本地化方案 2018-08-27
lsle01 posted a blog: 完美犯罪v0.81版更新 2018-02-19
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: development progress 70% 2018-02-19
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: basic information 2017-12-31
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: related links 2017-12-20
lsle01 posted a blog: 完美犯罪V0.7开放测试啦,凶手们快来! 2017-12-19
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: development progress 60% 2017-12-15
lsle01 updated the game: 完美犯罪: detailed information 2017-12-14
lsle01 saved article: Jonathan Blow的《如何编程独立游戏》摘要 2017-11-27
lsle01 posted a blog: 测试版0.60完成,欢迎测试 2017-11-27