

《Clocker》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)


Klame updated the game: 女娲号: screenshots 2022-11-30

Klame updated the game: 女娲号: title 2022-06-29

Klame updated the game: 女娲号: videos 2022-05-22

Klame released a new game: 女娲号 2021-12-31

Klame has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-12-31

Klame followed: 夙夜 2019-04-08

Klame made a comment on an article: 最美好的与最糟心的,与我同在。 2019-02-25

Klame made a comment on an article: 2D动画的3D体积感:AngerForce幕后故事 2018-04-09

Klame followed: Constantine131 2018-03-06

Klame updated the game: Clocker: team 2018-03-06

Klame updated the game: Clocker: related links 2018-02-05

Klame updated the game: Clocker: development progress 70% 2018-01-09

Klame made a comment on a user game: Clocker 2017-07-15

Klame liked article: GDC2017第二天:强力干货输出 2017-03-02

Klame made a comment on an article: GDC2017第二天:强力干货输出 2017-03-02

Klame updated the game: Clocker: Greenlight 绿光地址 2017-03-02

Klame updated the game: Clocker: development progress 50% 2017-02-28

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame made a comment on an article: Clocker开发日志:看似简单的机制与指数爆炸 2017-01-17

Klame was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2017-01-14

最近在玩 (9 / 1148)

Fantasy Map Simulator
游戏时长:23 分钟

Monster Hunter Wilds
游戏时长:1 天 8 小时 48 分钟

Finn Dorset's Institute For Livestock Replication
游戏时长:2 天 22 小时 46 分钟

Sol Cesto Demo
游戏时长:37 分钟

Astral Ascent
游戏时长:22 分钟