弈蒙 liked article: 浅谈电子游戏中选择的设计 2022-09-02

弈蒙 saved article: 浅谈电子游戏中选择的设计 2022-09-02

弈蒙 followed: 李红袖 2022-08-31

弈蒙 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 6.14- 6.20(上) 2021-06-15

弈蒙 made a comment on a user game: 只是另一个Roguelike游戏 2020-09-03

弈蒙 made a comment on a user game: 抽卡人生 2019-09-30

弈蒙 made a comment on an article: 会员投稿:茶杯头设计模式分析 2019-09-03

弈蒙 made a comment on an article: 会员投稿:茶杯头设计模式分析 2019-09-03

弈蒙 posted an article: 会员投稿:茶杯头设计模式分析 2019-08-30

弈蒙 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-08-30

弈蒙 posted a blog: 茶杯头设计模式分析 2019-08-25

弈蒙 followed: Zarachute 2019-08-01

弈蒙 made a comment on an article: 茶杯头 BOSS 战浅析 2019-07-31

弈蒙 made a comment on a user game: 无责任女高中生模拟器(暂定) 2019-07-30

弈蒙 made a comment on an article: 茶杯头 BOSS 战浅析 2019-07-30

弈蒙 posted a blog: 懒人的自我逼迫 2019-04-10

弈蒙 joined group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-26

弈蒙 achieved: Newcomer 2017-04-16

弈蒙 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-04-16

弈蒙 made a comment on a blog: 这个世界不太平,我来把它弄平 2016-08-18

弈蒙 made a comment on a user game: 梦之旅人 2016-08-16

弈蒙 followed: 边境游戏工作室 2016-08-16
