

《Trick & Treat》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

NovaPress 参与 Steam 库贡献

Rabbiton made a comment on a blog: 《荒镇2·返家》开发日志2.9 2020-02-28

Rabbiton updated the game: 另:爱理的大冒险: title 2019-09-27

Rabbiton followed: Jellyshuar 2019-09-27

Rabbiton followed: 无底深渊工作室 2019-09-27

Rabbiton liked user's game: One of 2019-09-27

Rabbiton posted a blog: 2018~个人汉化游戏合集 2018-12-22

Rabbiton made a comment on a user game: 另:爱理的大冒险 2018-12-14

Rabbiton made a comment on a user game: 另:爱理的大冒险 2018-12-14

Rabbiton updated the game: 另:爱理的大冒险: videos 2018-12-12

Rabbiton provided Chinese introduction to the game Hello Charlotte: Childhood's End(你好夏洛特:童年的终结). 2018-11-13

Rabbiton provided Chinese introduction to the game Hello Charlotte(你好夏洛特). 2018-11-13

Rabbiton liked user's game: 迷雾侦探 2018-08-17

Rabbiton liked user's game: 荒镇 2018-08-17

Rabbiton achieved: Member 2018-08-17

Rabbiton has upgraded to grade: 5 2018-08-17

Rabbiton released a new game: 另:爱理的大冒险 2018-07-01
