葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2024-11-29
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: development progress 85% 2024-11-26
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: screenshots 2024-05-06
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2024-04-30
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: logo image 2024-04-25
葱色兔 posted a blog: 「境旅:朝露」第三场景开发 - 慈悲永驻之地 2024-02-03
葱色兔 liked user blog: 「境旅:朝露」人物设计-返岸 2023-12-29
葱色兔 liked user blog: 独立游戏参展指南(二) 2023-12-29
葱色兔 has upgraded to grade: 3 2023-12-29
葱色兔 posted a blog: 「境旅:朝露」人物设计-返岸 2023-12-29
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2023-12-29
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: basic information 2023-12-07
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: screenshots 2023-12-07
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2023-12-05
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2023-12-01
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: screenshots 2023-11-20
葱色兔 liked user blog: 境旅-朝露 第二场景-慈悲通路开发 2023-11-16
葱色兔 posted a blog: 境旅-朝露 第二场景-慈悲通路开发 2023-11-16
葱色兔 updated the game: 境旅:朝露: detailed information 2023-11-03
葱色兔 achieved: Indie Developer 2023-11-02
葱色兔 has upgraded to grade: 2 2023-11-02
葱色兔 posted a blog: 独立游戏「境旅:朝露」免费部分内容 开启测试 2023-10-31
葱色兔 upgraded your membership 2022-05-12