up主一名,正在以“人的感知”去体验游戏 (Youtuber / KOL)
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up主一名,正在以“人的感知”去体验游戏 (Youtuber / KOL)
Randiris has upgraded to grade: 6 2020-08-09
Randiris saved article: 本周Steam值得关注的游戏 4.1-4.7 2019-04-04
Randiris liked article: 本周Steam值得关注的游戏 4.1-4.7 2019-04-04
Randiris made a comment on an article: 《层层恐惧》《黑旗》免费送!近期福利汇总 2017-12-20
Randiris liked article: 《层层恐惧》《黑旗》免费送!近期福利汇总 2017-12-20
Randiris followed: 大猫咪Felania 2017-12-03
Randiris made a comment on an article: 杯里是辛辣且醇厚的老酒——聊聊 Cuphead 2017-10-12
Randiris liked article: 杯里是辛辣且醇厚的老酒——聊聊 Cuphead 2017-10-12
Randiris joined group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-12
Randiris commented GameDB 测试成员招募中 in group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-11
Randiris made a comment on a blog: 《去月球》最感人的是已经死了的人,而不是游戏里还活着的那些人。 2017-04-17
Randiris made a comment on an article: 有潜力比肩《极限脱出》的独立游戏:Minotaur 2017-04-14
used the secret force... 2017-01-29
used the secret force... 2017-01-28
used the secret force... 2017-01-28
used the secret force... 2017-01-28
used the secret force... 2017-01-28
used the secret force... 2017-01-27
used the secret force... 2017-01-27
Randiris made a comment on an article: Ludum Dare 37经验总结:完成度果然是必要条件 2017-01-08
Randiris made a comment on an article: 携手 VRStar 给帝都带来一个圣诞游戏嘉年华 2016-12-25
Randiris made a comment on an article: Yuppie Psycho:噱头十足的职场恐怖片 2016-12-25