狄学长shrekshao updated the game: 青春猪头小学生的寒假生活RPG: detailed information
狄学长shrekshao updated the game: 青春猪头小学生的寒假生活RPG: videos
狄学长shrekshao made a comment on a blog: 青春猪头小学生的寒假生活RPG-时隔3年的GameJam作品 2022-02-03
狄学长shrekshao posted a blog: 青春猪头小学生的寒假生活RPG-时隔3年的GameJam作品 2022-02-02
狄学长shrekshao released a new game: 青春猪头小学生的寒假生活RPG
狄学长shrekshao achieved: Member
狄学长shrekshao has upgraded to grade: 5 2022-02-02
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 游戏制作省钱大法 2021-09-17
狄学长shrekshao liked user's game: 模拟学园物语 2021-09-13
狄学长shrekshao made a comment on a user game: 建筑吧公司 2021-09-05
狄学长shrekshao followed: 北村群童 2021-09-05
狄学长shrekshao liked user's game: 建筑吧公司 2021-09-05
狄学长shrekshao commented foreignness in group: 呐喊吧印度人!!! 2021-09-04
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 分支剧情创作中的挑战和工具 2021-09-01
狄学长shrekshao saved article: 创造一个小小开放世界:《A Short Hike》开发历程分享 2021-09-01
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 创造一个小小开放世界:《A Short Hike》开发历程分享 2021-09-01
狄学长shrekshao liked user's game: 天虹书店 2021-09-01
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 8.30 - 9.5(三) 2021-09-01
狄学长shrekshao liked user's game: Graduated 2021-08-27
狄学长shrekshao liked user blog: Graduated - 新进度 写在测试版本之前 2021-08-27
狄学长shrekshao made a comment on a user game: 坏小孩 2021-08-25
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 《坏小孩》开发日志 #4:一个新手花九个月能做出怎样的游戏? 2021-06-16
狄学长shrekshao liked user's game: 奶奶的菜谱 2021-06-07
狄学长shrekshao followed: HOU Mai 2021-06-07
狄学长shrekshao liked user blog: Graduated - 最新进度 2021-05-21
狄学长shrekshao followed: OldDu 2021-05-21
狄学长shrekshao followed: 周北Zhoubei 2021-05-21
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 诺娃独立游戏通讯 2021-#18 2021-05-21
狄学长shrekshao made a comment on an article: 独立游戏《远足与露营》开发历程简单回顾 2021-05-13
狄学长shrekshao liked article: 独立游戏《远足与露营》开发历程简单回顾 2021-05-13