SuperSoda liked article: 特刊:2024年度游戏见闻回顾(上) 2025-01-24
SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 特刊:2024年度游戏见闻回顾(上) 2025-01-24
SuperSoda liked article: 知识体系(20):目标规划的坐标 2025-01-15
SuperSoda liked user blog: aziibpixelmix大模型的像素生成质量已经很不错了 2025-01-12
SuperSoda has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-01-23
SuperSoda liked user blog: 关于无限伪随机二维地图的生成方式 2021-10-08
SuperSoda saved article: 多边形游戏地图的生成 #1 2021-03-10
SuperSoda liked article: 多边形游戏地图的生成 #1 2021-03-10
SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 【译】闯入游戏开发 #4:美术 2020-11-06
SuperSoda liked article: 实现一个类似于 FC 时代简易的碰撞系统 2020-03-15
SuperSoda liked user blog: 监狱游戏开发(2):玩具阶段 2020-01-01
SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 投稿:向死而生 - 中国独立游戏的过去、现在与未来 2019-12-13
SuperSoda liked article: 开发日志:《怪谈》开发记录(01) 2019-12-02
SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 开发者的黑五终于来啦 2019-11-27
SuperSoda liked article: 一个对开发者可能会越来越有用的网站 2019-11-12
SuperSoda made a comment on an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 1 2019-11-01
SuperSoda joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2019-08-11
SuperSoda saved article: 毕设分享:用 Unity 探究 2D 游戏的打击感 2019-06-29
SuperSoda liked article: 毕设分享:用 Unity 探究 2D 游戏的打击感 2019-06-29
SuperSoda has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-03-27
SuperSoda liked article: 引擎:Godot Engine 2018-12-28
SuperSoda liked user blog: 生存竞技类游戏——《生命法则》研发日志开篇帖 2018-12-28
SuperSoda liked news :部分版号已审正抓紧核发 海南将试行新审批机制 2018-12-28
SuperSoda liked article: 在 Unity 中打造纯像素画面的2D像素游戏 2018-12-26
SuperSoda liked article: 像素课堂#2 线条与画面分辨率 2018-10-17
SuperSoda liked article: 像素课堂#1:什么是像素画 2018-10-17
SuperSoda liked article: 用 PICO-8 复刻 Infinite Loop 游戏 2018-07-24