

SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 特刊:2024年度游戏见闻回顾(上) 2025-01-24

SuperSoda saved article: 你想要的故事块 2024-07-22

SuperSoda liked article: 你想要的故事块 2024-07-22

SuperSoda has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-01-23

SuperSoda saved article: 多边形游戏地图的生成 #1 2021-03-10

SuperSoda liked article: 多边形游戏地图的生成 #1 2021-03-10

SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 【译】闯入游戏开发 #4:美术 2020-11-06

SuperSoda made a comment on an article: 开发者的黑五终于来啦 2019-11-27

SuperSoda made a comment on an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 1 2019-11-01

SuperSoda joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2019-08-11

SuperSoda achieved: Newcomer 2019-03-27

SuperSoda has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-03-27

SuperSoda liked article: 引擎:Godot Engine 2018-12-28
