

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

NovaPress 参与 GameDB 游戏库贡献

shuc made a comment on an article: Braid 与游戏的观看方式 2020-11-22

shuc made a comment on an article: Braid 与游戏的观看方式 2020-11-21

shuc posted an article: Braid 与游戏的观看方式 2020-11-17

shuc posted a blog: braid与游戏的观看方式 2020-11-12

shuc created new game list: 游戏该这么做? 2020-04-19

shuc liked group post: #招人#我的横板动作游戏招程序啦 2020-04-15

shuc liked article: Close to the sun:伊卡洛斯悲歌 2020-04-14

shuc followed: CorsivaMonotype 2020-04-14

shuc made a comment on a blog: 《笼中窥梦》最原始的样子 2020-04-14

shuc liked user blog: 《笼中窥梦》最原始的样子 2020-04-14

shuc followed: 则栋 2020-04-08

shuc made a comment on a blog: 感想 2020-04-04

shuc posted a blog: 感想 2020-03-29

shuc posted a blog: 为xin游戏做的一些思想工作 2020-03-24

shuc followed: 方程 2020-03-24

shuc liked user blog: 我也要去无人岛躲一段时间了。 2020-03-24

shuc made a comment on an article: 要怎样培养游戏创作思维? 2020-03-16

shuc posted an article: 要怎样培养游戏创作思维? 2020-03-13

shuc made a comment on a blog: 要怎样培养游戏创作思维? 2020-03-06

shuc posted a blog: 要怎样培养游戏创作思维? 2020-03-06

shuc made a comment on an article: 游戏瑰宝 mini:Dragon Buster,双阶跳的起源 2019-08-10
