
NovaPress 参与

aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: development progress 50% 2019-07-25

aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: development progress 80% 2019-07-25

aaabuse liked user's game: 失落的琴弦 2019-07-25

aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: detailed information 2019-07-24

aaabuse achieved: Indie Developer 2019-07-24

aaabuse released a new game: 失落的琴弦 2019-07-24

aaabuse achieved: Newcomer 2019-07-22

aaabuse has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-07-22

aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-22

aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-22

aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-17

aaabuse joined group: Nintendo Switch 小组 2019-07-16

aaabuse joined group: 游戏设计专业院校 2019-07-16

aaabuse joined group: 游戏开发组 2019-07-16

aaabuse joined group: 综合讨论组 2019-07-16

aaabuse followed: indienova 2019-07-16
