indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
83872309 liked user's game: 生活(What a life) 2020-04-08
83872309 liked user blog: Lands Of Yocta - 在PICO-8上制作的步行模拟 2020-01-09
83872309 liked blog: Lands Of Yocta - 在PICO-8上制作的步行模拟 2020-01-09
83872309 posted an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 4
83872309 has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-11-22
83872309 posted an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 3
83872309 saved article: 【游戏开发经验分享】如何低成本制作游戏音效 2019-11-10
83872309 posted an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 2
83872309 saved article: Machinations:游戏机制构建工具 2019-11-04
83872309 liked article: Machinations:游戏机制构建工具 2019-11-04
83872309 posted new topic in group: PICO-8 - pico-8 精彩代码解析 4 2019-11-02
83872309 posted a blog: pico-8 精彩代码解析 4 2019-11-02
83872309 liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #3 2019-11-01
83872309 saved article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #3 2019-11-01
83872309 posted new topic in group: PICO-8 - pico-8 精彩代码解析 3 2019-11-01
83872309 posted a blog: pico-8 精彩代码解析 3 2019-11-01
83872309 saved article: 像素课堂#4 像素画的色彩规则 2019-10-30
83872309 liked article: 像素课堂#4 像素画的色彩规则 2019-10-30
83872309 made a comment on an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 1 2019-10-29
83872309 posted an article: pico-8 精彩代码解析 1
83872309 has upgraded to grade: 4 2019-10-29
83872309 liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #2 2019-10-24