B站up主 (Youtuber / KOL)
- 参加了 3 次 NovaPress 测试
B站up主 (Youtuber / KOL)
賞天の落葉 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-03-23
賞天の落葉 was verified as: B站up主 2017-07-04
賞天の落葉 made a comment on an article: 游戏设计之路(2)——系列关卡设计流程 2016-10-24
賞天の落葉 made a comment on a user game: I Wanna Watch Fireworks 2016-08-31
賞天の落葉 made a comment on an article: 专业开发者眼中的 GameMaker 2016-07-13
賞天の落葉 posted a blog: 第九日demo的实况哟~ 2016-07-13
賞天の落葉 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-07-02
賞天の落葉 made a comment on a Steam game: Lost Castle :: 失落城堡 2016-06-30
Biped 2 Demo
游戏时长:1 小时 22 分钟