FGreetings has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-03-24
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: demos
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: demos
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: videos
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: basic information
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: demos
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-11-08
FGreetings updated the game: 三教: demos
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-23
FGreetings made a comment on a blog: 《三教》开发(背锅)日志#1 2018-10-22
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-22
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-22
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 三教 2018-10-19
FGreetings made a comment on a blog: 《三教》开发(背锅)日志#1 2018-10-19
FGreetings posted a blog: 《三教》开发(背锅)日志#1 2018-10-19
FGreetings liked user's game: 三教 2018-10-17
FGreetings achieved: Indie Developer
FGreetings released a new game: 三教
FGreetings achieved: Newcomer
FGreetings has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-10-17
FGreetings made a comment on a user game: 了不起的修仙模拟器 2018-09-11
FGreetings upgraded your membership 2018-03-01