电邮地址 : eggshelldog@gmail.com
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电邮地址 : eggshelldog@gmail.com
蛋壳狗 liked article: Godot是否独立游戏的新宠:Reddit社区关于Godot API绑定系统的大讨论 2023-12-28
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD#51 《最后五分钟》 Last 5 Minutes 2023-01-21
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD51 Neural Dodge 2023-01-21
蛋壳狗 liked user blog: Game Jam之后头昏沉沉的时候总会想起以前的事情 2023-01-21
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD52 Compo KICK 2023-01-13
蛋壳狗 commented LD52 a farmer and his fields, bound together in group: Ludum Dare 2023-01-13
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD52 a farmer and his fields, bound together 2023-01-13
蛋壳狗 liked article: AI Game Jam 2022 总结和分享 2023-01-12
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD52 Hi!waste Tomato 2023-01-11
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD 52 There is a rabbit here! 2023-01-10
蛋壳狗 commented LD52 Gogo Rabbit's Trap in group: Ludum Dare 2023-01-10
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD52 Gogo Rabbit's Trap 2023-01-10
蛋壳狗 saved article: 来看看我们的朋友们在这次 Ludum Dare 43 中的作品 2023-01-10
蛋壳狗 posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD52 This is my Dream Job 2023-01-09
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD52 主题公布:Harvest 2023-01-09
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD#51 Schedule Master's dungeon adventure 2023-01-06
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD51 Wallbreaker 2023-01-06
蛋壳狗 liked article: 来看看我们的朋友们在这次 Ludum Dare 51 中的作品 2023-01-06
蛋壳狗 liked article: 《潮痕》开发日志 #1 2022-05-07
蛋壳狗 liked user blog: 本想做给大家,最后还是做给自己了 - 《鼠标的人》开发进度记录 #1 2022-05-01
蛋壳狗 saved article: 来看看我们的朋友们在这次 Ludum Dare 50 中的作品 2022-04-16
蛋壳狗 liked article: 来看看我们的朋友们在这次 Ludum Dare 50 中的作品 2022-04-16
蛋壳狗 commented LD#50 Delay No More in group: Ludum Dare 2022-04-16
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD#50 Pyre 2022-04-06
蛋壳狗 commented LD#50 Pyre in group: Ludum Dare 2022-04-06
蛋壳狗 commented LD#50 Pyre in group: Ludum Dare 2022-04-06
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD 50 There is a fire here. 2022-04-05
蛋壳狗 liked group post: LD #50 書 shū 2022-04-05