《前境》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
《前境》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
17F made a comment on a blog: 我需要一个美工,美工美工美工! 2017-10-19
17F made a comment on a blog: 《前境》后记:总结教训 2017-09-16
17F posted a blog: 《前境》后记:总结教训 2017-09-15
17F updated the game: 前境: basic information 2017-09-09
17F updated the game: 前境: detailed information 2017-07-15
17F updated the game: 前境: detailed information 2017-07-15
17F made a comment on an article: Unity 游戏的 string interning 优化 2017-07-07
17F updated the game: 前境: store links 2017-07-04
17F liked article: The Last Night 美术分析 2017-07-01
17F joined group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2017-06-29
17F updated the game: 前境: development progress 100% 2017-06-29
17F followed: NelaSystem 2017-06-29
17F followed: Humble Ray 2017-06-29
17F followed: eigenTunes亦听 2017-06-29
17F liked article: NieR:Automata:爱的形式主义,悲剧是将人生有价值的部分毁灭给你看 2017-06-04
17F updated the game: 前境: development progress 95% 2017-06-01
17F updated the game: 前境: logo image 2017-05-15
17F updated the game: 前境: development progress 75% 2017-05-09
17F posted a blog: 《前境》开发日志05:完善核心玩法,增加音乐音效 2017-04-27
17F updated the game: 前境: development progress 60% 2017-04-27
17F posted a blog: 《前境》开发日志04:核心玩法重做 2017-04-17
17F updated the game: 前境: development progress 55% 2017-04-17
17F has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-04-14
17F was verified as: 《前境》开发团队 2016-11-23