

GameDB 专家 (Professional)

NovaPress 参与 GameDB 游戏库贡献

JasenYan made contribution for Speakrit(言灵计划), made contribution for Speakrit(言灵计划), made contribution for Speakrit(言灵计划), made contribution for Speakrit(言灵计划) 2024-12-25

JasenYan made contribution for Cursor Kingdom(光标王国), made contribution for Cat at Home(猫在家里), made contribution for Cat at Home(猫在家里) 2024-12-25

JasenYan made contribution for Cursor Kingdom(光标王国), made contribution for Cat at Home(猫在家里), made contribution for Cat at Home, made contribution for Cat at Home 2024-12-25

JasenYan made contribution for Cat at Home, made contribution for Cursor Kingdom(光标王国), made contribution for Cursor Kingdom(光标王国), made contribution for Cursor Kingdom, made contribution for Cursor Kingdom 2024-12-25

JasenYan made contribution for Speakrit(言灵计划), made contribution for Speakrit, made contribution for Speakrit, made contribution for Speakrit, made contribution for Messy Up(萌宠拆拆乐) 2024-12-25

JasenYan released a new game: 套路之魂 2024-12-23

JasenYan made a comment on a user game: Upland 2024-08-20

JasenYan liked user's game: Upland 2024-08-20

JasenYan followed: Fasmort 2024-08-19

JasenYan updated the game: 规则怪谈:SHE: team 2024-07-17

JasenYan made contribution for The Rule of She(规则怪谈:SHE), made contribution for The Rule of She(规则怪谈:SHE), made contribution for The Rule of She(规则怪谈:SHE) 2024-07-17

JasenYan achieved: Indie Developer 2024-07-17

JasenYan released a new game: 规则怪谈:SHE 2024-07-17

JasenYan made contribution for The Rule of She(规则怪谈:SHE), made contribution for The Rule of She(规则怪谈:SHE), made contribution for The Rule of She, made contribution for The Rule of She 2024-06-14

JasenYan made contribution for Hakou Watcher(诸子无双), made contribution for Hakou Watcher(诸子无双) 2023-11-19

JasenYan made contribution for Messy Up(萌宠拆拆乐), made contribution for Messy Up 2023-10-27

JasenYan made contribution for Messy Up, made contribution for Messy Up, made contribution for Cream War, made contribution for Cream War, made contribution for Maze Breaker 4(迷宫突破者 4) 2023-10-27

JasenYan made contribution for Jump, Race, Fly(跳跃,疾驰,飞行), made contribution for Jump, Race, Fly, made contribution for Yatzi(押骰子), made contribution for Yatzi(压骰子), made contribution for Yatzi 2023-10-26

JasenYan made a comment on a user game: 奶油乱斗 2023-10-12

JasenYan followed: bnfan 2023-09-11

JasenYan joined group: Steam 2023-09-06

JasenYan joined group: 杭州独立游戏小组 2023-09-06

JasenYan made contribution for Animals(动物消消), made contribution for Animals(动物消消), made contribution for Animals 2023-04-28

JasenYan made contribution for Ape Academy 2(比波猴学园2), made contribution for Pyramid Raiders(金字塔袭击者), made contribution for Pyramid Raiders(金字塔袭击者), made contribution for Hungry Monster(饥饿的怪物) 2023-04-10

JasenYan made contribution for Hungry Monster(饥饿的怪物), made contribution for Akka Arrh(霓虹深空), made contribution for Akka Arrh(霓虹深空), made contribution for Akka Arrh, made contribution for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature(牧场物语:中秋满月) 2023-04-10

JasenYan made contribution for Zen Pong(禅意乒乓), made contribution for Zen Pong(禅意乒乓), made contribution for Zen Pong(禅意乓), made contribution for Microarcade ShapeSwarm(微型街机:形状游戏), made contribution for Microarcade ShapeSwarm(微型街机:形状游戏) 2023-04-10
