indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Justus posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD55 Solo Chanting 2024-04-15
Justus liked article: 来自御宅学 X indienova 的新年礼物 送给还在开发独立游戏的你 2023-02-16
Justus liked user blog: 帽子小精灵-2023-1-开发记录 2023-02-03
Justus saved article: 游戏基础知识——基本肉搏动作的设计方式 2022-10-20
Justus liked article: 游戏基础知识——基本肉搏动作的设计方式 2022-10-20
Justus posted new topic in group: RPG Developer Bakin - 关于Bakin的资料 2022-10-20
Justus created group: RPG Developer Bakin 制作技术 2022-10-20
Justus liked group post: 在Godot实现按照固定大小切割数组(分组) 2022-10-20
Justus posted a blog: [Unity Q & A] 如何为TMP_font asset添加许多不同的 Material Preset ? 2022-05-03
Justus posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - 小组不再限制加入条件。通过了所有加入请求。发文原则保持不变,鼓励笔记型日志。 2022-04-11
Justus posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD#50 Last of Savior 2022-04-05
Justus made a comment on an article: LDtk 一小时完全入门教程 2021-12-03
Justus made a comment on an article: LDtk 一小时完全入门教程 2021-12-03
Justus posted an article: LDtk 一小时完全入门教程
Justus posted an article: 【闲谈速教 Pixel Game Maker MV】#92 - #95
Justus liked group post: LD48 To return to one's root 2021-04-27
Justus commented LD#48 Redeeppedeer in group: Ludum Dare 2021-04-27
Justus posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD#48 Lord of Mine 2021-04-27
Justus liked group post: 【干货】制作 oblique/cabinet 投影的2D游戏时,确认精灵先后顺序的排序方法 2021-02-02
Justus made a comment on a blog: 【干货】制作 oblique/cabinet 投影的2D游戏时,确认精灵先后顺序的排序方法 2021-02-02
Justus posted an article: 【闲谈速教 Pixel Game Maker MV】#89 - #91
Justus liked group post: godot游戏引擎实现窗口失去焦点后暂停 2020-12-05
Justus liked blog: 有好几个人来问STEAMWORKS注册开发者重名怎么办了 2020-11-17
Justus liked user blog: 有好几个人来问STEAMWORKS注册开发者重名怎么办了 2020-11-17
Justus posted an article: 【闲谈速教 Pixel Game Maker MV】#86 - #88
Justus posted an article: 【闲谈速教 Pixel Game Maker MV】#81 - #85
Justus liked article: 【译介】松野泰己 x 小岛秀夫 — 1999 年开发者访谈 2020-11-05
Justus posted new topic in group: Pixel Game Maker MV - 像素游戏制作大师中文社区 - [需求] (样例)能不能给xxx增加xxx功能? 2020-11-02