luke liu liked user's game: 悟梦图 2020-06-30

luke liu updated the game: 悟梦图: detailed information 2020-06-30

luke liu achieved: Indie Developer 2020-06-29

luke liu released a new game: 悟梦图 2020-06-29

luke liu achieved: Newcomer 2020-06-29

luke liu has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-06-29

luke liu posted new topic in group: Steam - 寻求unity程序员 2019-09-18

luke liu posted new topic in group: Unity 2D 开发小组 - 寻求unity程序员 2019-09-18

luke liu posted new topic in group: 成都独立游戏开发 - 寻求unity程序员 2019-09-18

luke liu upgraded your membership 2019-09-18

luke liu joined group: Steam 2019-09-18

luke liu joined group: 成都独立游戏开发 2019-09-18

luke liu joined group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2019-09-18

luke liu followed: 疯王子 2019-01-06
