indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Probe made a comment on news: 索尼克要拍大电影了? 2018-06-05
Probe achieved: GameDB 早期测试
Probe liked article: 2018年值得期待的30款独立游戏 2017-12-15
Probe made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品12.12-12.15 2017-12-14
Probe made a comment on a blog: VA-11 Hall-A 将于12月更新中文 2017-11-24
Probe liked user blog: VA-11 Hall-A 将于12月更新中文 2017-11-24
Probe liked article: 我们需要一款什么样的3D索尼克游戏? 2017-11-12
Probe made a comment on an article: 我们需要一款什么样的3D索尼克游戏? 2017-11-12
Probe liked user blog: 2017 indiePlay 结果正式公布! 2017-10-30
Probe commented on game list: 游戏列表:Aiur Archive(73) 2017-10-28
Probe made a comment on an article: 2D游戏背景视差滚动效果原理与在Unity中的实现思路 2017-10-28
Probe made contribution for Kentucky Route Zero(堪萨斯零号公路), made contribution for Rakuen, made contribution for Splatoon 2, made contribution for Linelight 2017-10-28
Probe made contribution for INSIDE(地狱边境), made contribution for osu!, made contribution for OPUS: The Day We Found Earth(地球计划), made contribution for Alto's Adventure, made contribution for Titan Souls(泰坦之魂) 2017-10-28
Probe made contribution for Alto's Adventure, made contribution for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(塞尔达传说:荒野之息), made contribution for Mega Man Legacy Collection(洛克人传奇合集), made contribution for Mega Man Legacy Collection(洛克人遗产合集), made contribution for Mega Man Legacy Collection 2(洛克人遗产合集2) 2017-10-28
Probe made contribution for Night in the Woods(森林的夜晚), made contribution for VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action(VA-11 Hall-A:赛博朋克酒保), made contribution for Snipperclips - Cut it out, together!, made contribution for Pinstripe(地狱救援), made contribution for Bendy and the Ink Machine 2017-10-28
Probe has upgraded to grade: 4 2017-10-28
Probe created new game list: Low Poly 与极简主义 2017-10-28
Probe commented on game list: 游戏列表:Probe 玩过的游戏(71) 2017-10-28
Probe commented on game: 淡夜未央 - Oxenfree 2017-10-28
Probe commented 2017-10-27 第二次测试 in group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-28
Probe created new game list: Probe 玩过的游戏 2017-10-28
Probe liked article: 看了我们带的东西,是不是更想去 WePlay 了? 2017-10-21
Probe joined group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-21
Probe commented GameDB 测试成员招募中 in group: indienova GameDB 测试小组 2017-10-21
Probe liked article: CupHead:我超难,我手感诡异,我剧情单薄,但我是个好游戏 2017-10-09
Probe liked user blog: 陈星汉经典作品《Flower花》上架iOS 平台 2017-09-29
Probe liked article: indienova 专访《纪念碑谷2》主创团队——感受交互带来的极致体验 2017-09-26
Probe liked article: Ustwo Games:《纪念碑谷2》怎么用交互讲故事 2017-09-26
Probe liked article: 五年磨一剑,《愤怒军团》对STG的致敬与传承 2017-09-25