在学习gamemaker studio 2、像素动画


indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

NovaPress 参与
The day before yesterday03-04 15:55

highway★ liked blog: The Spiral of Nuclear Throne 2024-08-30

highway★ liked user blog: The Spiral of Nuclear Throne 2024-08-30

highway★ achieved: Indie Developer 2024-08-19

highway★ released a new game: 07特杀队 2024-08-19

highway★ followed: 虹视游戏工作室 2024-04-05

highway★ made a comment on a blog: 随笔 2024-04-03

highway★ made a comment on a blog: 随笔 2023-12-01

highway★ posted a blog: 随笔 2023-11-30

highway★ joined group: godot引擎 学习 2023-09-14

highway★ followed: 凉鞋 2023-03-03

highway★ followed: 空盒工作室 2022-11-27

highway★ liked user blog: gamemaker 开发放置传奇【1】 2022-09-21

highway★ followed: zc119110 2022-09-21

highway★ followed: Pixmain 2022-09-15

highway★ followed: 孔小菜 2022-09-07
