indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
snake2020 posted new topic in group: Indie Focus - Crayon Physics Deluxe那帮人终于把powder toy做成了动作冒险游戏 2017-07-28
snake2020 posted a blog: Crayon Physics Deluxe那帮人终于把sandbox做成了动作冒险游戏 2017-07-28
snake2020 was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2016-11-23
snake2020 commented Owlboy 释出了 听说好评如潮呀 没有八一八幕后的开发故事什么的? in group: Indie Focus 2016-11-07
snake2020 posted new topic in group: Indie Focus - Owlboy 释出了 听说好评如潮呀 没有八一八幕后的开发故事什么的? 2016-11-03
snake2020 made a comment on an article: indienova 换了一个新 Logo 2016-09-17
snake2020 commented Highfleet 新动图 in group: Indie Focus 2016-09-17
snake2020 commented Highfleet 新动图 in group: Indie Focus 2016-09-17
snake2020 commented indie talk #7:聊聊你安利最为成功的独立游戏 in group: 综合讨论组 2016-09-17
snake2020 made a comment on an article: indienova 换了一个新 Logo 2016-09-17
snake2020 made a comment on an article: Salt and Sanctuary:横版黑暗之魂初体验 2016-06-07
snake2020 made a comment on an article: Salt and Sanctuary:横版黑暗之魂初体验 2016-06-03
snake2020 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-05-24
snake2020 joined group: Indie Focus 2016-05-07
snake2020 made a comment on a blog: Unepic制作组 新作 ghost 预告释出! 2016-05-01
snake2020 posted a blog: Unepic制作组 新作 ghost 预告释出! 2016-04-30
snake2020 made a comment on an article: 成年人的生活,就是这样 XX 2016-02-16
snake2020 made a comment on an article: SUPERHOT 公布发售日期 2016-02-04
snake2020 was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-01-30
snake2020 made a comment on an article: Sunless Sea 探险家的回忆录 2016-01-11
snake2020 made a comment on a blog: 【独立游戏撑场】IGN选出32款2016年不可忽略的潜力佳作 2016-01-11
snake2020 followed: Humble Ray 2015-11-30