


独立游戏开发者,主程 (Dev / Studio)

NovaPress 参与

made a comment on a game: 画中世界(Gorogoa) 2018-02-14

liked article: 独立游戏主播该如何挑选游戏 2018-01-01

followed: 雪乃 2017-12-30

made a comment on a user game: 森林魔法塔 2017-12-29

made a comment on a blog: 《Magic Tower》塔防独立游戏制作历程 2017-12-29

posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - 《Magic Tower》塔防独立游戏制作历程 2017-12-29

followed: 小丑yo 2017-12-22

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: detailed information 2017-12-20

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: detailed information 2017-12-18

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: store links 2017-12-17

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: development progress 70% 2017-12-07

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: demos 2017-12-05

made a comment on a blog: 拖沓已久的更新 2017-11-28

posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - 拖沓已久的更新 2017-11-27

posted new topic in group: 游戏古登堡计划 - 拖沓已久的更新 2017-11-27

posted a blog: 拖沓已久的更新 2017-11-27

commented 独立塔防测试demo发布 in group: 游戏古登堡计划 2017-10-19

posted new topic in group: 游戏古登堡计划 - 丰满的理想与骨感的现实 2017-09-24

posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - 丰满的理想与骨感的现实 2017-09-24

has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-09-24

posted a blog: 丰满的理想与骨感的现实 2017-09-24

made a comment on a user game: 森林魔法塔 2017-09-20

made a comment on a blog: 踏上独立的旅程 2017-09-09

updated the game: 森林魔法塔: detailed information 2017-09-07

posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - 情人节快乐,单身狗 >_ 2017-08-28
