Imagine Dynasty 成员 (Dev / Studio)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Imagine Dynasty 成员 (Dev / Studio)
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Zorrot Chen updated the game: 多少楼台烟雨钟: screenshots
Zorrot Chen updated the game: 多少楼台烟雨钟: detailed information
Zorrot Chen updated the game: 多少楼台烟雨钟: detailed information
Zorrot Chen liked article: Godot 导出到 HTML5 实践 2023-01-03
Zorrot Chen liked article: Blender 新手雕刻入门教程 #3 2023-01-03
Zorrot Chen liked article: 如何为你的游戏制定付费策略 2023-01-03
Zorrot Chen released a new game: 多少楼台烟雨钟
Zorrot Chen made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 05.30 - 06.05(上) 2022-05-31
Zorrot Chen liked article: 一种关于“魔法阵”的玩法设计 2022-04-22
Zorrot Chen liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 04.18 - 04.24(三) 2022-04-22
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a user game: 暗黑蛊国 2022-04-22
Zorrot Chen liked article: 分享一些不错的游戏和技术 00 2020-09-09
Zorrot Chen liked article: Resolutiion 艺术对话 2020-07-01
Zorrot Chen has upgraded to grade: 7 2020-07-01
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a blog: 喂shi? 2020-07-01
Zorrot Chen posted a blog: 喂shi? 2020-06-20
Zorrot Chen made a short review on game: Doom: Eternal(毁灭战士:永恒) 2020-04-07
Zorrot Chen liked user blog: 遊戲地圖繪製過程 2020-04-07
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a user game: Gurak 2020-04-07
Zorrot Chen made a comment on news: indienova 网站维护通知 2019-12-28
Zorrot Chen liked news :indienova 网站维护通知 2019-12-28
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a user game: Hell Hunt 地狱猎杀 : 昆汀式暴力美学+经典FPS 2019-12-27
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a blog: 我的第一个游戏宣传片(gameplay trailer) 2019-12-17
Zorrot Chen liked article: 投稿:向死而生 - 中国独立游戏的过去、现在与未来 2019-12-13
Zorrot Chen made a comment on a user game: Metal Mind 2019-10-24
Zorrot Chen liked article: 《铁山奇谭》游戏开发记录 #1 2019-10-16
Zorrot Chen liked article: 2019 indiePlay 中国独立游戏大赛各奖项入围公布! 2019-10-14
Zorrot Chen liked article: HAAK 开发日志#4 2019-10-12
Zorrot Chen made a comment on an article: HAAK 开发日志#4 2019-10-12
Zorrot Chen liked article: Apple Arcade 推荐:Assemble with Care 2019-10-04