

独立开发者 (Dev / Studio)

NovaPress 参与

xdx3000 made a comment on an article: 网格沉思-游戏中的网格系统 2024-03-12

xdx3000 made a comment on a user game: 四方战争 2021-09-16

xdx3000 made a comment on a user game: 四方战争 2021-03-03

xdx3000 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-03-03

xdx3000 liked user's game: 四方战争 2020-10-12

xdx3000 released a new game: 四方战争 2020-10-08

xdx3000 followed: CocosEngine 2020-08-23

xdx3000 followed: 1346163729 2020-07-23

xdx3000 created group: 技术交流研究 2020-07-17

xdx3000 made a comment on an article: 这款大型 3D 战争游戏竟然“超逼真”? 2020-06-24

xdx3000 liked user's game: 人群模拟器 2020-06-17

xdx3000 's review on 全金属对决 @ NovaPress was accepted. 2020-06-15

xdx3000 was verified as: 独立开发者 2020-06-07

xdx3000 updated the game: 星空穿越: logo image 2020-06-07

xdx3000 updated the game: 滑稽圣杯战争: logo image 2020-04-28

xdx3000 made a comment on a user game: 小小愿景 2020-04-16

xdx3000 liked user's game: 滑稽圣杯战争 2020-04-07

xdx3000 updated the game: 滑稽圣杯战争: basic information 2020-04-07

xdx3000 updated the game: 滑稽圣杯战争: screenshots 2020-04-07
