秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 50 - 51 课 2020-12-19
秦无邪 posted an article: (template)Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 46 - 49 课 2020-11-15
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 游戏开发者必会的 10 个小技巧 | Unity Tips & Tricks 2020-10-25
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 41 - 45 课 2020-08-29
秦无邪 has upgraded to grade: 5 2020-08-29
秦无邪 posted an article: (template)Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 36 - 40 课 2020-08-23
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 26 - 30 课 2020-08-08
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 21 - 25 课 2020-08-01
秦无邪 has upgraded to grade: 4 2020-08-01
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 16 - 20 课 2020-07-25
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 11 - 15 课 2020-07-18
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 6 - 10 课 2020-07-11
秦无邪 has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-07-11
秦无邪 posted an article: Unity 2D 游戏开发教程:第 1 - 5 课 2020-07-04
秦无邪 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-07-04
秦无邪 liked article: 一姐小课堂第 11 - 13 课 2020-01-12
秦无邪 followed: 火树-fireTree 2019-08-19
秦无邪 followed: Codinggamer 2019-08-19
秦无邪 made a comment on a blog: 《跳跳小子》开发日志04——就要做完咯 2019-08-19
秦无邪 made a comment on an article: 单人项目管理 — 心得和教训 2019-06-27
秦无邪 made a comment on an article: Steam 商店页面和游戏上传 2019-06-05
秦无邪 made a comment on a blog: 从业游戏22年给独立开发者的建议 2019-05-03
秦无邪 liked user blog: 从业游戏22年给独立开发者的建议 2019-05-03
秦无邪 made a comment on an article: 武士 零(Katana ZERO)- 动作游戏的剧情终于有看头了 2019-04-30
秦无邪 made a comment on a blog: Haak 开发日志 #2 回顾三次playtest 2019-04-30