SteamCN 资深超级版主 (Professional)
SteamCN 资深超级版主 (Professional)
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: [2016-11-24] indienova 认证系统上线 2016-12-15
一旁冷笑 was verified as: SteamCN 资深超级版主 2016-11-24
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: 东京电玩展2016归国报告书 2016-09-26
一旁冷笑 has upgraded to grade: 3 2016-09-25
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: 欢迎大家为 Steam 游戏库提供游戏简介翻译 2016-09-06
一旁冷笑 invited: bluephoenix150 2016-08-15
一旁冷笑 invited: wu360463231 2016-08-15
一旁冷笑 achieved: Invitation 2016-08-15
一旁冷笑 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-08-15
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: 华人开发者的(独立)游戏列表 2016-08-10
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: 横版恐怖游戏【Eden】开发日志 2016-07-10
一旁冷笑 saved article: I and Me - 矛盾又纠结的我 2016-06-23
一旁冷笑 made a comment on an article: iam8bit 带来 Ori and the Blind Forest 原声黑胶夜光版 2016-04-29
一旁冷笑 made a comment on an article: IndieBox 推出 indiesox,把独立游戏穿到脚上 2016-04-07
一旁冷笑 made a comment on an article: FTL 原声升级版黑胶唱片开始预定,限量1000套 2016-04-04
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: Oculus 开始发货! 2016-03-27
一旁冷笑 made a comment on an article: IndieBox: Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime 开箱 2016-03-20
一旁冷笑 made a comment on a blog: 历经5年开发 2012 IGF China 国产获奖作品《微观战争》 2月15日 正式发售 2016-02-15
Grand Theft Auto V
游戏时长:16 天 19 小时 10 分钟