

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)


陈小柏 achieved: Member 2019-07-06

陈小柏 has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-07-06

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 基于情感体验的游戏空间设计策略 2018-01-03

陈小柏 posted an article: 双重挑战与复合机制 2017-05-19

陈小柏 posted a blog: 双重挑战与复合机制 2017-05-18

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 游戏中的惊喜元素——以两款猫咪游戏为例 2017-05-14

陈小柏 has upgraded to grade: 4 2017-05-13

陈小柏 posted an article: 游戏中的“跳舞熊” 2017-05-07

陈小柏 posted a blog: 游戏行业的“跳舞熊” 2017-04-29

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 基于情感体验的游戏空间设计策略 2017-04-27

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 基于情感体验的游戏空间设计策略 2017-04-27

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 基于情感体验的游戏空间设计策略 2017-04-27

陈小柏 made a comment on an article: 基于情感体验的游戏空间设计策略 2017-04-27

陈小柏 has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-04-26

陈小柏 was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2016-11-23

陈小柏 achieved: Author 2016-06-16

陈小柏 was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-06-16

陈小柏 made a comment on a blog: Lullaby游戏的提取密码 2016-06-14

陈小柏 made a comment on a blog: Lullaby游戏的提取密码 2016-06-14