《曾是废土》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
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《曾是废土》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: screenshots 2021-02-11
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: detailed information 2021-02-11
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: related links 2019-08-08
variolas liked user blog: 【开发日志02】随机建筑和房间的划分 2019-08-04
variolas liked user blog: 【开发日志01】随机建筑生成 2019-07-31
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: videos 2019-07-24
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: videos 2019-07-20
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: logo image 2019-07-15
variolas made a comment on an article: SIGNAL 美术日志(二) 2019-04-05
variolas made a comment on an article: 我所理解的关卡设计(上) 2019-01-19
variolas liked article: 我所理解的关卡设计(上) 2019-01-19
variolas has upgraded to grade: 5 2018-11-30
variolas made a comment on a blog: 《RAISER》(暂定名)开发记录NO.1 2018-10-05
variolas liked user blog: 《RAISER》(暂定名)开发记录NO.1 2018-10-05
variolas made a comment on a blog: 《無常》研发日志(一):场景风格定型及效果展示 2018-10-03
variolas liked user blog: 《無常》研发日志(一):场景风格定型及效果展示 2018-10-03
variolas updated the game: 宏大叙事:骑士之路: title 2018-09-06
variolas made a comment on an article: 是什么让你做的小游戏听起来怪怪的? 2018-08-09
variolas liked article: 是什么让你做的小游戏听起来怪怪的? 2018-08-09