
NovaPress 参与

反手补刀 liked user blog: 幸运术士开发中 2023-01-05

反手补刀 made a comment on a blog: 关于写开发日志的碎碎念 2022-05-07

反手补刀 liked user blog: 关于写开发日志的碎碎念 2022-05-07

反手补刀 liked user blog: 像素美术学习手记【四】 2022-03-24

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: store links 2022-01-11

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: development progress 80% 2022-01-10

反手补刀 made a comment on an article: 2021 年的个人总结与记录 2022-01-05

反手补刀 achieved: Member 2021-11-22

反手补刀 has upgraded to grade: 5 2021-11-22

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: videos 2021-09-04

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: logo image 2021-09-01

反手补刀 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-07-07

反手补刀 followed: 千水 2021-07-06

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: detailed information 2021-06-17

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: related links 2021-06-16

反手补刀 updated the game: 重构: demos 2021-06-14
