

小行星游戏工作室制作人。目前正在开发《众生相》 (Dev / Studio)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

NovaPress 参与

千水 released a new game: 电竞教父:网吧赛 2024-01-06

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: videos 2023-11-12

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: basic information 2023-09-19

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: logo image 2023-07-15

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: detailed information 2023-07-13

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: development progress 90% 2023-07-12

千水 liked user's game: 电竞教父 2023-07-07

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: videos 2023-07-07

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: basic information 2023-06-29

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: screenshots 2023-05-11

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: basic information 2023-04-03

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: development progress 80% 2022-11-21

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: detailed information 2022-07-28

千水 posted an article: 我认为的游戏创作的终极问题 2022-07-23

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: logo image 2022-06-10

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: basic information 2022-05-27

千水 updated the game: 电竞教父: screenshots 2022-05-27

千水 updated the game: 变量2: store links 2022-04-26

千水 has upgraded to grade: 8 2021-11-03

千水 updated the game: 变量2: basic information 2021-08-18
