1001 个拥抱

1001 Hugs

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  • 独立
0 想玩 0 在玩 2 玩过 0 已购买 0 在关注
You have a limited amount of time to find and hug four kids to open the portal to the next level. These 4 kids are distinguished by certain colored helmets, which change on every level or on restart. You are equipped with a teddy bear launcher, which will be used to defend yourself against kids with water balloon guns.

类型: 冒险独立策略

视角: 第三人称视角

版本: 发行版本 游戏本体

模式: 单人

主题: 动作


※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属



1001 Hugs Easter Release

Just in time for your Easter basket - Special Easter release of 1001 Hugs with lots of challenging levels.


This is a low poly 3D game for kids and adults who are young at heart. The player has a limited time to catch and hug children to get access to the next l……显示全部evel. All the while the player is challenged by mischievous kids.

It is a third person game where the avatar is a boy or a girl searching to hug younger children wearing certain colored helmets. Once the four of them are found the portal to the next level opens. In the meantime the player hugs other kids to increase the hug score. There are two types of kids: those who randomly run from door to door and those with water balloon pistols who are determined to slow the player down. But the player has a means to change the mischievous behavior.

There are only 5 levels at this time with plans to massively expand. We expect to receive feedback for our Beta version to determine which direction to take the game. One of our plans is to engage users in the development of level design. We already have 4 rooms that were designed by our team members.

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2019-09-26 Windows 全球
2019-10-01 Windows 全球


* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源