侠盗猎车手 5:在线模式豪华版 Premium Edition / GTA V: Premium Online Edition / GTA V Premium Online Edition / GTA 5 Premium Online Edition / GTA 5: Premium Online Edition

Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition

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Grand Theft Auto V:在线模式豪华版将为玩家呈现完整的 Grand Theft Auto V 故事体验,玩家不仅可以免费畅玩瞬息万变的 Grand Theft Auto 在线模式,还可以尊享现有的所有玩法更新及官方制作内容,包括《末日豪劫》、《军火霸业》、《走私贩大进击》、《狂野飙客》等,众多精彩,等您来享。您还将获得“犯罪集团新手包”,在 Grand Theft Auto 在线模式中以最快的速度创立犯罪帝国。

类型: 射击竞速体育冒险

视角: 第一人称视角第三人称视角

版本: 发行版本 游戏本体

模式: 单人多人

主题: 动作喜剧沙盒开放世界

引擎: RAGE

※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属


Grand Theft Auto V:在线模式豪华版将为玩家呈现完整的 Grand Theft Auto V 故事体验,玩家不仅可以免费畅玩瞬息万变的 Grand Theft Auto 在线模式,还可以尊享现有的所有玩法更新及官方制作内容,包括《末日豪劫》、《军火霸业》、《走私贩大进击》、《狂野飙客》等,众多精彩,等您来享。您还将获得“犯罪集团新手包”,在 Grand Theft Auto 在线模式中以最快的速度创立犯罪帝国。

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto 在线模式

犯罪集团新手包是 GTA 在线模式新玩家快速创立犯罪帝国的最快方式,内含最振奋人心和最受欢迎的内容,以及一百万奖励游戏币供您在 GTA 在线模式中挥霍。所有内容如在游戏内单独购买,总价值将超过 1000 万 GTA 游戏币。


驾驶十辆高性能载具横行穿街,其中包括一辆超级跑车、摩托车、武装沙丘 FAV、一架直升机、一辆拉力赛赛车和更多好货。您还将获得多种资产,包括十车位车库,随着您的载具数量不断增加,您可轻松将它们放入其中。




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Epic库 (139)
GTA5 (1)
Epic Games Store 每周免费游戏 (492)


Premium Edition其它别名
GTA V: Premium Online Edition缩写
GTA V Premium Online Edition其它别名
GTA 5 Premium Online Edition其它别名
GTA 5: Premium Online Edition缩写



2018-04-20 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 全球
2018-04-20 Xbox One 全球
2018-04-20 Windows 全球


异形 变得邪恶 犯罪生涯 直升机 刺客 载具战斗 高尔夫 摩托车 打猎 探索 格斗 暴力 沙盒 潜行 动物 小汽车 自定义角色 训练 谋杀 drugs 抢劫 小游戏 bestseller 查看全部 + 有组织犯罪 健康 car customization 网球 pedestrians 喜剧 mascot 鲨鱼 警察 竞速 guitar playing 死亡 parachute scooter exercise atv BMX orca skydiving keyboard ufo 街头竞速 air racer doctor jeep 宠物 海豚 shadow cleaning gangs sea race deer 徒手对抗 roller coaster insanity 动作冒险 Steam 多主人公 bromance 巫毒 bounty hunter 成就 时间限制 子弹时间 多结局 在线 人质 campaign 建设 人工智能 开放世界 scuba diving bus 犯罪 drifting sex 黑色幽默 折磨 小汽车 bicycle 报纸 坦克 相机 racism 彩蛋 资本主义 electronic music 裸露 过肩视角 yacht 经济 hydra pizza 续集 slow-motion 可动人偶 攀爬 游泳 graffiti 日夜循环 ambulance shovel bobcat government 飞机 climate change 动作游戏 hip-hop scissors base jumping 载具战斗 comet shuriken 树木 爆炸 cloud boost fog truck 咖啡 数字发行 火车 rail track 驾驶/竞速 跳跃 hamburger 箱子 垃圾桶 mask cane pencil cactus plate fedora hat spoon fork 杯子 challenges 锤子 police car 子弹 tennis racquet tennis ball 自定义角色 customization barb wire fence 世界地图 语音出演 toilet 太阳镜 手纸 rope 梯子 主观视角 flashlight 蜂窝电话 cash register cow tractor Bink Video 技术 sticker 人类 3D 多边形 color customization 书籍 沙子 老鼠 性感女性 购物 computer 斧子 chocolate panties lantern bowling ball 货币 licensed soundtrack 照片模式 mayor 小刀 第三人称视角 palm tree lion 胡子 surfboard fist shrub 猎枪 rocket launcher headband 载入画面 crouching cardboard box 纸张 photo sink light bulb houseplant hanger remote control eating 过场动画 非玩家角色 extreme violence electricity 其它角色的后代 fake in-game advertising 桌面 candle radio pillow flip off vehicle customization van necktie 棒球棍 手枪 gatling gun coffin barbell 棒球帽 headset 封面有多个角色 lightning save point sprinting mechanics assault rifle golf club golf ball basket 钥匙 sniping hot dog bench fence target grass gull 检查点 falling damage late title card glasses 铁轨交错 角色创建 瓶子 laptop street light fountain 楼梯 escalator ceiling fan basketball hoop side quests reputation DLC black market auto-aim 混战 准星 full body awareness 字幕 kill feed c4 手套 抬头数字显示仪 golf tee 实时战斗 lgbt pants player character 可使用的载具 ring a.i. companion adultery cigarette male antagonist scaleform baton revealing attire stat tracking 地图编辑器 betrayal umbrella convict 动物伙伴 nunchaku taxi cab level up health refill 雕像 tombstone Wilhelm Scream 音效 lawnmower bulldozer breakable glass cell phone interface selfies poster pony mustache quicksaving office chair couch conveniently obscured nudity tire wooden chair vomiting clock bulletin board calendar loading screen advice vending machine interaction aluminum can phone electric fan spotlight valve broom curtain underwear television newscast rock music belt sexualized men RPG 要素 重载 mercenary 狙击步枪 gun safe lifesaver minimap robbery chandelier ponytail bowl tsundere stop sign video game characters that play video games functional mirrors E3 2013 television mirror lighthouse bucket 作弊码 pole cover system destructible cover 可破坏环境 death of a salesman banned law smoking in-game radio peasants cigar wheel shipping container addiction theft automated teller machine water cooler interactive environments cooking range stool glass repairing enemy sniper leaf wardrobe tattoo power line anti-hero been here before coral zoom boots gasoline can shoes wind cowboy hat facebook games reflection stamina bar oil drum machete disguise drunk character banshee blunt weapons necklace cauldron bag fireplace hard trees controversy 主人公死亡 file cabinet wrench traffic cone lighter handcuffs fire hydrant 纸币 ferris wheel pine tree face tattoo baldness surveillance camera ski mask 潜水艇 harrier jump jet skyscraper dam 高解析画面 mailbox tent dynamic soundtrack billboard russian accent benchmark included actor character fingerless gloves suit and tie radial menu disembodied voice plot twist sunset dumbbell collar team deathmatch stealth kill taser voice chat spiked knuckles hobo poverty banter during gameplay player owned houses stunt plane mohawk beer clear save game console light bloom phong shading D.I.C.E. Awards 2014 day one patch gun holster chest-high walls depth of field weapon modification animal cruelty damage flash molotov cocktail fire extinguisher wheelchair crane postbox trash bag traffic light luggage motorcycle helmet amplifier damage model idle animations 环境音乐 enemy reaction magazine crooked cop 超重角色 fictional locations based on real ones exploding vehicles light up crosshair ledge grab 新主人公续集 crowbar sticky bombs revolver garden gnome fire truck forklift sawed-off shotgun speaker coffee maker towel gas cylinder canned food watch neon sign lowrider fake tv show 高跟鞋 oven shirt skirt blazer body armor cosmetic items blimp kidnapping 扩展准星 companion app silencer matress urinal random encounter jukebox lock blueprint m1911 current position opening credits during gameplay burning blind fire time stopping watching tv stunt bonus recreational vehicle bandana chase ak-47 satellite dish upgradeable vehicles swimming pool gas mask bracers burrito watercraft minivan mallet quad earrings radio tower apron headshot texture pop-in footprints tram traffic spike strip multiple discs censored version italian accent dishwasher badge sock multiplier bigfoot innocent people die hoodie 开发者选择奖 2014 logging anarchism helicopter crash earpiece conversation sociopathy vigilante ammo cross wallet bikini stripper pole recruitment rich snob off-road racing energy drinks pliers duct tape phoenix on-the-fly character switching sandals newspaper vending machine barefoot wristband parents binoculars birthday acknowledgement soap potato chips spatula spray bottle uzi rappelling fn p90 supply drop prostitute sex work playstation home tie-in renovation car chase police chase shooting range strippers marijuana sports cars scuba gear cocaine hay bale desert eagle persistent bullet holes notoriety system tow truck roman numerals beggar lawbreaking partners bus stop public transportation sidewalk ghost narcissist mp5 carjacking roadblock police radio communication fence climbing beretta m9 chopsticks coyote dithering mobile home fax machine bounty hunting train signal track jacket janitor dark past drive-by intro blow torch blamed for real life murders sentinel shorts full reactive eyes entertainment faux twitter cougars tiered exploration glock 17 inflatable tube man federal bureau of investigation emblem editor electric cable one person drives while the other shoots awp random missions fictional clothing brands sleeves athlete freeway triad switchblade arm wrestling record breakers roadworks tear gas grenade plastic bag enfield sa-80 bumper cam golf cart cement truck normal mapping enforcer police maverick police stockade ithaca 37 air grille drive-by shooting fictional car brands tornado arresting tar-21 barrett m82 ksg busted interactive loading screen yoga messenger bag pimp stinger mgl mousepad dune buggy trashmaster fat hobos euphoria engine rockstar advanced game engine bully mode casually walking away from an explosion fake reloading animation ballas car bomb bf injection barracks ol blista cheetah coach dodo flatbed infernus landstalker manana patriot rumpo securicar mule coquette sabre gt stallion vigero ruiner blista compact feltzer futo peyote cognoscenti dilettante emperor ingot intruder oracle premier schafter stretch sultan habanero rancher washington romero stratum airtug tug phantom packer benson boxville biff cavalcade pcj-600 sanchez dinghy jetmax marquis squalo tropic sabre turbo sandking regina rhino skimmer caddy machine pistol shamal cropduster andromada cargobob journey camper bandito freight picador buffalo faggio usp psg1 concrete mixer m26 grenade bullet gt f620 serrano super diamond akuma vader buzzard skylift bati 800 daemon double t hexer emergency exit sentinel xs 9f jb 700 z-type elegy rh8 TGA 2017 TGA 2017 最佳运营中游戏:提名 TGA 2017 提名 welding machine food stand PS3 rockstar grand theft auto grand theft auto v gtav gta v gta 5 grand theft auto v game

合集:GTA 侠盗猎车手



* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源