School Owner

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School Owner is a construction and management simulation game where you manage an entire school, from pre-school to college. It is your job as the owner of the schoo……显示全部l to build it from the ground up and make sure that the students, employees, parents and even the government are satisfied with your work.
You will start with a flat land and random trees that you can chop. From there, you can start designing and developing your school the way you like it.
Expand your lot and have the largest school!
Other Key features:
◎ Hire employees that will build, research, assist, teach, cook, clean, and guard your school.
◎ Complete control over the schedules of the staffs and students.
◎ Buy TV advertising, set up a school website, and do other marketing stunts that will help make your school popular.
◎ Day and Night, Season, and Weather system are integrated into the game.
◎ If needed, you can take out loans from the bank.
◎ Keep your students happy and satisfied by tending to their needs.
◎ Do your "to-do" list and get rewarded.
◎ Campaign and Sandbox mode
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