游戏列表:《250 Indie Games You Must Play》(250)
整理自 Mike Rose 的著作《250 Indie Games You Must Play》
创建会员: dtq1997

What appears to be a rather simple platformer gradually shows its true, wacky colours in Jumpman. You take control of an orange stickman who must traverse multiple “paths,” each with its own set of game rules. The first few levels are simple, which allows you to get used to the overall concept and slippery movement. Yet soon all hell breaks loose. To reach the finish, you’ll be playing around with strange physics-based movement, rotating levels around 360 degrees, and generally becoming utterly confused as infinite repeating patterns appear all over the screen. The next level is always shown in the background of the current maze, as if to taunt you with the difficulty you will soon face. Developed over the course of a year, this game comes with a level editor for creating your own insane masterpieces and a “playground” that acts like a version of Microsoft Paint—but with the orange protagonist jumping all over the place.

The Legend of Princess
In case it wasn’t obvious from the title, The Legend of Princess is a Zelda fangame that was created by renowned indie developer Konjak. Many argue that this side-scrolling homage plays just as well as the two-dimensional Zelda games of old. Elements such as a similar soundtrack, collectable hearts and rupees, flying chickens, and exploding Bombchus have created a love letter to the Nintendo classic. Yet Konjak has added his own personal touches to the genre, in the form of fantastic action-packed swordplay, satisfying explosions, and great level design. Also, there are a number of different weapons and items that can be chosen before the game begins to alter how challenging the gameplay is. No Zelda fangame would be complete without some great boss battles, and in this department The Legend of Princess does not disappoint. It is truly one of the best fangames ever released.

Fedora Spade: Prologue
Fedora Spade is a series of detective adventure games that play in a fashion similar to the popular Nintendo DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games. Fedora Spade has been assigned to lead a failing unit in the police force, but the work becomes meaningless and Spade starts to hit the bottle to drown his sorrows. A last chance to save his career comes in the form of a challenging case. Players look through the case file and then interrogate the murder suspect, using available evidence to question inconsistencies in the suspect’s statements. The game features a fantastic story with lots of clever twists and humour throughout. A total of four Fedora Spade games were released over the course of two years, and each presents a new case for Fedora to investigate while revealing more of his mysterious past. All four games can now be downloaded as a package along with the Fedora Spade original soundtrack.

Excavatorrr is a tricky digging game with Atari 2600-style visuals. You are a lonely miner who burrows deep into the ground, trying to extract as much gold as possible while avoiding death at the hands of nasty creatures in the depths. The world of Excavatorrr is procedurally generated, so every time you play, you’ll find that the pathways and locations of the monsters have changed. The miner can normally only dig crosswise and must find holes in the ground or use bombs and dynamite if he wants to dig downwards; ladders are available that will allow the miner to climb up again. Once you’ve collected enough gold, you can buy supplies in the shop on the surface. If you dig down deep enough, you’ll find an assortment of surprising enemies to contend with. Hempuli originally designed Excavatorrr as a Ludum Dare contest entry, but he wasn’t happy with the original build. He decided to improve on the base concept and eventually released this more complete, content-heavy edition.

提线木偶 The Marionette
The Marionette is an adventure game about a sculptor who is subjected to a strange sequence of events. Martin is partway through completing his latest work when a mysterious letter arrives in the post. Upon opening the letter, Martin loses consciousness and eventually wakes up in front of a strange house he has never seen before. With nowhere else to go, he ventures into the house to find some answers, and things get a little bit spooky. There are a lot of twists and turns in this story, and the writing and dialogue are both top notch. The best way to experience The Marionette is to explore every area fully, as there may well be puzzles and items that you’ll miss. There are different endings to the story, which depend on actions chosen throughout play. Auriond, one of the developers from Team Effigy, describes The Marionette as “interactive fiction” in addition to its adventure game tag.

太空奇趣 Space Phallus
Space Phallus is a crude yet hilarious side-scrolling shooter in which you battle against a horde of genitalia and bodily fluids. The majority of enemy ships are penises that continuously fire shots of semen in your direction. At the beginning of each level, you’ll have to hold back bursts of sperm that shoot towards you at an alarming rate. Once these are out of the way, the phalluses themselves appear, flying through the air or rolling along on the floor. There are plenty of other enemy types to be found as well, although you’re better off finding out about those for yourself (especially if you’re looking for a good giggle). The boss battles feature grotesque beasts that you’ll want to destroy as quickly as possible. When the going gets too tough, you’ll have access to other kinds of weapons that will help to change the tide in battle. For example, your missiles can usually cut enemies down with a single shot, and the fire breath can clear whole screens full of penises.

Skullpogo is a game about bouncing on pigs and bats; using a pogo stick, Skullboy must launch himself up and down on the animals to build up as large a combo as possible. As Skullboy lands on the animals, his combo meter fills, and if he lands on another animal before the meter empties, the combo increases. The idea is to get a huge combo and earn enough points to go to the next level before time runs out. Plenty of different power-ups appear in the sky for you to grab; these will speed Skullboy up and occasionally mess up the controls. Skullpogo started life in 2002 as Pogopher, Chevy Ray’s first-ever completed game. Six years later, the developer decided to expand on his formula and enlisted the help of friends Brittney Cloud and Marius Schneider to help him develop a more polished and entertaining product. Skullpogo is also available as an iPhone game.

ROM Check Fail
Developed over three weeks for the Video Game Name Generator competition at TIGSource, ROM CHECK FAIL splices together the retro worlds of Mario, Zelda, Pacman, and other popular game characters to create a completely insane gaming experience; one moment, Mario is jumping on the heads of Space Invaders, and the next, Pacman is running from Goombas. The backdrops display popular scenes from old console games. Every few seconds, there is a glitchy internal computer noise, and everything in the current level stays in the same position but changes into something else. The idea is that players need to constantly change their strategies, and strategies are dependent on whatever character is currently being controlled. Jarrad developed ROM CHECK FAIL while still working at mainstream game developer 2K Australia. Early in 2009, he once again used Mario—this time in a short game-cum-message for his bosses at 2K—to announce that he was quitting his job and becoming a full-time indie developer.

You Found the Grappling Hook
As far as self-explanatory titles go, You Found the Grappling Hook! is definitely up there with the best of them. You play a horned character who is armed with a grappling hook and must use it to swing through a series of blocky caves. The X button controls both the hook and the protagonist’s jump, so prepare to tap X a fair bit! The hook can be fired either straight up or at a 45-degree angle, allowing the hero to hang and plan the route ahead. Eventually, you’ll find an axe that allows you to dig gold out of the cave walls; unfortunately, the moment you grab it the entire cave will begin to collapse, leaving you to salvage as much of the gold as you can before making your escape. There’s an online leaderboard (”The Goldenest”) that lists the players who were able to grab the most gold before escaping.

营救:小猎兔犬 原型 Rescue: The Beagles
A cargo plane carrying beagles to an animal testing facility has crashed in the mountains, and the evil lab has sent out its researchers to collect the useable dogs and kill the rest. You take on the role of an animal rights activist who saves the beagles from harm and sets them free. Rescue: The Beagles is a lot more complex than it sounds, as the beagles (and nasty researchers!) are on three different procedurally-generated mountains, and the protagonist needs to use ropes and parachutes to move between them. The game has a very quick-moving arcade feel as you move between levels grabbing everything available, firing owls at the bad guys, and fixing up injured dogs with medical kits. Rescue: The Beagles was originally developed for (and won) the TIGSource Procedural Generation competition. The game features music by chiptune composer and producer Rich “Disasterpeace” Vreeland.

我也想做兄贵 I Wanna Be the Guy
I Wanna Be The Guy: The Movie: The Game (to give the full name) is a platformer for masochists featuring The Kid, a boy who wants to be The Guy. From the get-go, IWBTG is insanely and unfairly difficult, yet it’s ultimately addictive. Every single screen looks impossible at first glance, which makes winning all the more rewarding. The game constantly attempts to trick the player, throwing seemingly simple challenges into disarray or providing areas that appear to be completely impassable. Many of the gameplay elements and environments parody old NES games such as Ghosts ‘n Goblins. There is even a selection of characters from boss battles that have been taken straight from Nintendo games, including Bowser from Super Mario and Mother Brain of Metroid. Numerous indie developers list I Wanna Be The Guy as an inspiration to their work, including Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes of Team Meat, the developers behind Super Meat Boy (The Kid was included as an unlockable character in Super Meat Boy).

七分钟 Seven Minutes
There is an odd, blue ball situated on a pedestal, and a booming voice tells you not to go anywhere near it. Of course, curiosity is a powerful thing, so you’re going to jump up and grab it. As you do so, a huge face appears and states that you have seven minutes left before the world comes to an end—all because you grabbed the ball. With seven minutes on the clock, you’re left to race through an ever-changing maze full of nasty spikes and tough platforming sections. Things won’t be quite as they appear, as seemingly solid walls become hollow and spikes spring out of the floor, ready to catch you by surprise. There are two endings to the game, and the one you get depends on how you act. Finding the “good” ending may prove tricky, but the face will give you a clue about how to find it during the “bad” ending.

跳跃者 3 Jumper Three
Ogmo is the result of a failed experiment to create the world’s most perfect life-form, and once he has been abandoned by his creators, Ogmo sets out to find his place in life. Jumper Three follows Ogmo as he travels into space and lands on a mysterious planet full of traps and tricky terrain that he must navigate. The Jumper series is known for its intense difficulty, and Jumper Three is no exception. There are hazards everywhere, and Ogmo must use a combination of wall-jumping and double-jumping, coupled with quick reactions, to stay alive. Later in the game, Ogmo is able to split into different forms and to use new abilities to bypass even tougher obstacles. Ogmo’s previous journeys, chronicled in Jumper and Jumper Two, are also available for download from Matt’s site. Jumper has proved to be a huge inspiration to indie game developers, and has influenced the development of big releases such as Super Meat Boy—in fact, Ogmo can be found as a hidden character in that game.

Iji Iji
Developed over the course of five years, Iji is well known for featuring one of the best indie gaming stories to date. Iji is visiting her father’s workplace when an alien race known as the Tasen invade; Iji is badly injured and her father replaces parts of her body with cyborg parts to save her life. Iji awakens to find all of her family dead except for her brother Dan, who gives her instructions over an intercom. Iji sets out to meet up with her brother and battles the Tasen along the way with the help of her new nanotechnology abilities. She also learns of the lives of the Tasen through journals left around the facility, and must use this knowledge to choose her path. The game is huge, with hours of gameplay, multiple storylines, and plenty of secrets to uncover. Iji is highly regarded and considered one of the best indie games of 2008.

碎石者 DX:导演剪辑版 Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut
Rock Boshers is a remake of the first-person shooter Red Faction. Developer Dugan Jackson has taken the story and setting from the classic game, twisted them around quite a bit, and presented Rock Boshers as if it were running on an old ZX Spectrum computer. You are a British gentleman who has been tricked into travelling to Mars to do the dirty work of a large corporation. Trapped down in the mines, you seize an opportunity to escape but soon discover that the guards are the least of your worries as hordes of zombies home in on your position. There are plenty of secrets to find, including a bonus space shooter called Rockaroids. The game comes with a multiplayer arena battle mode so that up to four players can take each other on. Rock Boshers was originally developed for the TIGSource Bootleg Demakes competition in 2008, but Dugan wasn’t able to have the full game ready in time for the voting phase. Fortunately, he continued development and released the full version a couple of months later.

过劳死 Karoshi
The Japanese term “karoshi” refers to situations where people literally work themselves to death—hence, Jesse Venbrux’s tough puzzle platformer challenges you to kill the protagonist in a variety of ways on each level, from landing on sharp spikes to getting crushed by falling crates. What appears to be a relatively simple game quickly shows its true colours, as the rules of play change often. While your goal is always to kill yourself, you will need to experiment with different ways of doing so by pressing buttons and shooting weapons. After completing 25 levels, there’s even a boss battle that you must lose multiple times. Karoshi proved so popular that Jesse decided to make an entire series of games dedicated to the concept, including Karoshi Factory (a co-op edition) and Super Karoshi (in which you help other characters kill themselves). The browser version of the game, Karoshi Suicide Salaryman, has been played over three million times.

N:忍之道 N
Everyone wants to be a ninja, and the 2005 indie classic N gives you the opportunity to fulfil this dream, putting you in control of a stick-figure man in black. He has amazing speed and dexterity, but his lifespan is also rather short, clocking in at just 90 seconds. Fortunately, collecting gold allows the ninja to live longer, and there is plenty of gold scattered around, along with nasty hazards and robots ready to impede his progress. Players must jump, dodge, run, and wall-jump to a door switch, then escape through the exit. N is a game that’s easy to get into but difficult to master, with character physics that take some getting used to. The game has more than 500 levels and comes with a level editor called the NEd. N was granted the Audience Award at the Independent Games Festival in 2005, and as a result of its popularity a sequel called N+ was released on the Xbox 360 Live Arcade.

Trilby:盗贼的艺术 Trilby: The Art of Theft
Trilby: The Art of Theft stars the main protagonist from Ben Croshaw’s adventure game 5 Days A Stranger. British cat burglar Trilby has moved to America in search of posh offices and mansions to plunder. The game plays out as a series of side-scrolling stealth missions, with the goal to find the target and escape undetected. Each level features different amounts of light, and Trilby will be able to sneak around guards and crack open safes without raising the alarm if he’s cautious enough. If he’s spotted, a Taser in the tip of his umbrella will come in handy to prevent witnesses from divulging his location. At the end of each heist, you’re given a rank and reputation points based on how many witnesses were Tasered and how many alarms were raised. Rep points can be spent on buying upgrades to aid Trilby in future heists.

With some clever line-drawing mechanics involved, Chalk is a rather unique action game with plenty of charm. The player controls a floating monochromatic hero who dodges around numerous obstacles and enemies that fly onto the screen. Fortunately, you’ve got a magic stick of chalk that can be used to eradicate baddies. Enemies can be killed by drawing on them with your mouse, but each one is different and requires special disposal tactics. A helpful tutorial explains how to destroy each type of obstacle. There are enjoyable boss battles at certain intervals during play, which usually require that you figure out how to attack first. If you earn at least an “A” rank on each of the main six levels, you’ll unlock the special endurance challenge.

Lost in the Static
Lost in the Static is a platformer that may cause headaches if you stare at it for too long. Everything in the game—from the environments to the enemies to the main character—is coated in black and white static. The game messes with your perceptions as you navigate around the various rooms; the background is constantly scrolling while the foreground either stays in one place or moves around to indicate areas or enemies that you shouldn’t touch. The effect is striking; your brain perceives the background and foreground as two different planes, giving the game a three-dimensional feel. Whenever the hero dies, he explodes into static that is then swept away by the scrolling backdrop. The game was developed over the course of four days. Developer Sean Barrett has provided modding tools on the game’s official webpage for anyone who would like to create their own levels.

下层世界 The Underside
The Underside is an exploration platformer that has been in development since 2005. A preview build of the game is available for download and gives a taste of how the final release will play. A king rules the Overside of a flat planet. When his people become corrupt and he wants to start fresh, he simply flips the planet over so that the bottom becomes the top. Unfortunately, this side also becomes corrupt and the king vows to destroy the whole world unless he can find a single innocent person. You take control of that one person, called Ip, who has been thrown into the Underside. He must journey back to the Overside and stop the destruction of the planet. The game features humorous dialogue and plenty of silly power-ups, including life toast and invincible burgers. There’s also a tool for creating your own worlds, and a couple of example mods thrown in that you can play through.

炽岩逃亡 Igneous
Developed by a student team from DigiPen, Igneous is a short and frantic rush through an erupting volcano in which you attempt to take control of a small tiki totem as it rolls along through collapsing stone pathways and bridges. The incredible speeds mean that you need to think fast and keep a constant focus on the action; in each of the three levels, face-melting speeds and the threat of a dip in molten lava are always very real. Pathways disappear into the magma without warning; therefore, you’ll most likely need a few playthroughs before you reach the end. Many players have commented that Igneous is exactly how they would like a modern, three-dimensional version of Sonic the Hedgehog to play. The game is rather abrupt, clocking in at around 15 minutes of play. There is also an impossible mode with the same three levels ramped up to maximum difficulty.

尼特的故事 Knytt Stories
Knytt Stories is a collection of platforming adventures that revolve around exploration and puzzles. Players can venture into the world of “The Machine,” or download a multitude of excellent user-created stories for free. The story that comes with the game follows Juni, a character originally seen in the Knytt Stories predecessor Knytt, as she attempts to save the world from a nasty machine that is sucking the life out of everything. Power-ups give Juni extra abilities so that she can move further towards her goal. Once you’ve completed this story there are hundreds of user-created levels available for download from and the Knytt Stories forums. You can even have a crack at creating some of your own tales. “Nifflas” himself has created additional stories, including “A Strange Dream” and “Gustav’s Daughter,” both of which can be downloaded from the official site.

矮人要塞 93 Dwarf Fortress
In development since 2002, and still a work in progress, the first public build of Dwarf Fortress was released in August 2006. Since then, the game has received numerous updates and has built a huge fan base of players, all keen to delve frequently into this ASCII fantasy world. In Dwarf Fortress mode, players manage a dwarven outpost in a randomly generated world made up of towns, caves, civilizations, and wildlife. Your army of dwarves can be sent out to find treasures scattered about the land, or commanded to craft furniture and weapons for your fortress. As the land changes over time other civilizations may want your fortress for themselves. There is a serious amount of depth to Dwarf Fortress, and although it can take many hours to read enough background material to fully understand how to play, it is a very worthwhile cause. Another mode allows you to explore the land as an adventurer who recruits a band of followers and accepts quests from different towns and leaders.

净化亚洲! Clean Asia!
Clean Asia! isn’t your average shoot-’em-up game. With lots of psychedelic visuals and flashing colours, the game sends two American pilots on a quest to clean up Asia after the eyes of mankind have left the bodies of their hosts and taken Thailand, New Korea, and China by force. The two available characters play quite differently and offer distinct shooter styles. One pilot cannot shoot, and uses instead a powerful thrusting technique to break enemy ships into pieces and fire the debris into the remaining machinery. The second character plays more like a normal blaster, firing at enemies and using the broken enemy pieces to launch huge special attacks. Clean Asia! was originally developed in two months for the Autofire 2007 competition at the SHMUP-DEV forums, and ended up winning the contest. The game is considered by many indie gamers to be one of the driving forces that shot developer “Cactus” into the limelight.

蔷薇与椿 Rose & Camellia
A Japanese fighting game that features “the elegant art of feminine conflict,” Rose and Camellia follows the story of Reiko, a newlywed whose rich husband dies the day after the wedding. To claim his house as her own, she must defeat the evil women who currently run the house. One by one, Reiko must slap, evade, and counter-slap her opponents into submission. Fights are played via timed swipes of the mouse across the face of the enemy, and a scrolling rose at the top of the screen shows whether it’s time to attack or to dodge. After the women of the house are defeated, it comes to light that the evil Madame Camellia has the house in her power, and Reiko must then beat her to claim her inheritance. The action is very tongue-in-cheek with amusing animations, dialogue, and characters. A sequel—Rose and Camellia 2—is also available, although players must complete the original game before the sequel will unlock.

喷气背包篮球 Jetpack Basketball
Jetpack Basketball is a combination made in heaven: fast-paced hoop action played with jetpacks. A single player can take on an AI-controlled opponent, or two players can go head-to-head locally for some slam-dunking action. The idea is to grab the ball, zoom up towards the basketball hoop, and let go of the ball at the correct moment, allowing it to arc into the net. When the other player has the ball, you can tap your grab button to take it away and go for the shot. You can even grab the ball just after an opponent makes a shot, and slam-dunk it to steal the point. Manoeuvring your character is intentionally difficult—just as you’d expect playing jetpack basketball in real life would be! The first player to score 11 points is the winner. Jetpack Basketball was originally developed during Bivouac Urbain 2009, a game prototyping jam in Québec City, Canada.

枪战荒原 GunFu Deadlands
In GunFu Deadlands, you play a gunslinger who is out to prove he has the quickest draw in the West. Enemies are scattered around on each level, and when they spot you they will immediately start firing in your direction. But you have quite an advantage over your enemies in that you can activate “bullet time,” which slows the action down and allows you to focus on aiming your pistol. Clicking the right mouse button as you run into enemy view activates bullet time, but it takes a few seconds to reload, so if there are multiple enemies you may need to take them all out during the slowdown. A level editor is included with the game so that players can create their own shootout environments and share the results with friends.

魔法星球下午茶 Magic Planet Snack
In Magic Planet Snack, you play as a wizard who has accidentally turned himself into a space worm. You now need to fly through space, chomping on planets and devouring other wizards for points. There are plenty of bad guys and flashing blocks to dodge, and staying aggressive yet cautious is the best way to grab the big scores. As you eat the orbs dotted throughout each planet your HYPER meter fills up. Once the meter is full, the planet turns into cakes, pastries, and ice cream for a few seconds, during which time you’ll want to grab as many as you can for a serious addition to your score. Magic Planet Snack was originally going to be a racing game, but Tolbert says that he eventually opted for a more score-based approach so that players would “make stupid decisions.”

核弹爆炸 Atomic Blast
Atomic Blast is a tricky platformer with a plethora of dangers to keep your eye on. The protagonist may have a gun, but that won’t help much if he can’t dodge the enemy soldiers and death lasers that will cut him up with a single shot. On each of the 12 levels, the hero can hang from ceilings, climb through shattered windows, and unlock doors—but the enemy guards are a very real problem since they can fire at any angle and can easily pick you off whether you’re above or below them. You, however, can only shoot horizontally and so are at quite a disadvantage. Once you manage to beat the tough missions there’s an even trickier final boss battle to contend with. Atomic Blast started life as a tribute of sorts to Chris Roper’s Destructivator, and after several months of chopping and changing, eventually found its way on to the Glorious Trainwrecks site.

黑心 The Black Heart
A bloodstained world exists alongside the human world, although we choose not to see it. The king and creator of this dark void has been brutally murdered, and his powerful heart—the Black Heart—has been stolen by a demon known only as Final. Six twisted characters all want to take the heart as their own, and each is determined to battle through the bloody wasteland, taking out one opponent at a time, until the heart is won. Each character’s story line is told through gorgeously grim cutscenes, which include an assortment of special, super, killer, and fatal attacks with complex button pressing that will please fighting- game veterans. There are also reams of extra game modes, including practice, team fights, and hotseat multiplayer. The Black Heart runs on the MUGEN engine, a tool that allows developers to build masterful fighting games. Andrés Borghi spent over seven years developing the game, creating the character stripes, animations, and backdrops from scratch.

环保熊2000 Enviro-Bear 2000
“Who is driving the car? A bear is driving the car! How can that be?!” Enviro-Bear 2000: Operation Hibernation was originally developed for (and won) the Cockpit competition on the popular indie gaming site TIGSource, and was later ported to the iPhone and the Android. You play a bear driving a car who wants to fatten himself up before hibernating for the winter. The bear can only use one paw at a time, which makes driving around an absolutely hilarious nightmare. The game is purposely awkward to control, and a variety of obstacles from vicious badgers to showers of pine cones will constantly hinder your progress. There are also other bears driving their cars and looking for fish to eat. This game was nominated for the Nuovo Award at the 2010 Independent Games Festival and is widely regarded as a must-play indie game, especially when played for a laugh with a group of friends.

奔跑哥:环游世界 RunMan: Race Around the World
In the words of developer Tom Sennett, RunMan: Race Around the World is “a game about doing your best and running really, really fast.” Our hero RunMan shows up for a race, only to find that the other contestants have dropped out because they fear his speed. Rather than accept the trophy, RunMan decides to challenge himself to a race around the world. RunMan has two main actions—run, and run really fast. As he pounds along platforms knocking bad guys out of the way and popping balloons, he automatically springs off any wall he runs into, allowing for a very smooth gaming experience that many players have compared to the early Sonic the Hedgehog games. This game has a lot of style too, from RunMan shouting ”Rock on!” as he runs to the 1920s blues, country, and jazz music soundtrack. The game was drawn entirely in Microsoft Paint over the course of four years, and features over 30 levels to rush through.

星际守卫 Star Guard
Inspired by a series of stories about Mars written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Star Guard follows a mysterious green spaceman as he attempts to defeat an evil wizard. Armed with just a laser gun, our hero must battle through the wizard’s minions on Venus, overcoming levels full of nasty aliens and obstacles. The game has a very minimalist feel with simple visuals and sound effects, yet play is incredibly engaging thanks to tight controls and hectic action. Every now and again our hero stumbles upon allies who are fighting for the same cause, and you can choose to keep them safe or rush past and leave them to their fates. The dialogue is kept to a minimum, with the occasional short story printed on the backdrop. Star Guard was nominated for the Excellence in Design award at the 2010 Independent Games Festival.
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