游戏列表:《250 Indie Games You Must Play》(250)
整理自 Mike Rose 的著作《250 Indie Games You Must Play》
创建会员: dtq1997

Specter Spelunker Shrinks
The hero in Specter Spelunker Shrinks can grow and shrink rapidly, allowing him to climb up huge ledges or squeeze through tiny gaps. Over one short level, your task is to use this resizing ability to escape from a maze-like prison. You need to push the protagonist’s abilities to the limit, sometimes even expanding or shrinking in mid-air as you jump towards a gap. What makes Specter Spelunker Shrinks so wonderful is your changing sense of perspective as you play—one moment you’ll be navigating a tiny maze, and the next you’ll be growing to a huge size and using the entire previous area as a single platform. Specter Spelunker Shrinks is currently the most played browser game on the indie gaming portal GameJolt, with more than 120,000 plays in total. Due to receiving a hugely positive response from the press, developer Ken Grafals is considering building on the concept at some point in the future.

I Can Hold My Breath Forever
I Can Hold My Breath Forever follows a strange creature as it dives underwater in search of its friend. The creature cannot stay underwater for more than ten seconds, and in order to breathe, it must find caverns before the time runs out. The friend has left notes in each cavern that tell the story of the creature as well as the story of the friendship. The creature is surrounded by darkness, and the moody soundtrack gives the experience a really powerful vibe. The ten-second time limit adds a sense of urgency but doesn’t feel unfair—if you run out of air, you just get sent back to the last cavern you entered. The game was developed for an Experimental Gameplay competition with the theme “10 Seconds,” hence the underwater time limit.

As he’s taking a man’s life, Death decides to have a little fun. He tells the man that he will give him his life back along with everything he ever wanted— if the man can survive the Gauntlet of Hell. As you’d expect, the Gauntlet of Hell is not exactly the safest place to be. Quietus is a tricky platformer that requires quick reactions and lots of patience. Along the way, enemies and other obstacles impede your progress constantly by popping out of walls and moving into your path at the most inopportune moments. You will die a thousand deaths, but fortunately each annihilation brings with it only the modest penalty of taking you back to the beginning of the current room. Along the way there are treasure chests—some in rather dangerous places— and players who manage to open every single one before reaching the end will be rewarded with a special ending.

Poto & Cabenga
Poto & Cabenga makes players adapt to a rather unique control scheme: manipulating two different characters with a single key. The game features a colourful alien rider who has been pulled from his faithful steed by a nasty flying creature, and the rider must run through the creature’s belly to escape before it begins digesting. You control both the rider at the top of the screen and the mount on the bottom by pressing and holding the space bar. Holding the space bar down causes the rider to jump into the air and the horse to dash forwards, and letting go makes the horse jump while the rider dashes forward. As adversaries approach, you’ll need to help both characters leap out of harm’s way so they can reach the end intact. It’s initially quite complicated and confusing, but eventually you’ll find a rhythm and everything will fall into place. The game won a one-button competition called Gamma IV in 2010, and it was presented on the showroom floor at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco the same year.

PlayPen is an online storybook told entirely by the players themselves through pixelated images. At each location you can either venture forward by selecting clickable areas, or edit the current screen to your heart’s delight. Players can edit the images displayed and add their own links to new areas by simply clicking “Draw here” (located at the bottom of any scene). They can then choose to create more content in new areas or leave them for other players to find and develop. In this way, thousands of players have created a rambling and somewhat twisted world full of oddities that can be explored and edited. It’s worth noting that the game is built on top of a software package known as MediaWiki, meaning that scenes are automatically recorded and can easily be restored if they’re destroyed. It’s not difficult to see why comparisons have been made between the way PlayPen and the web-based encyclopedia project Wikipedia work.

超级水管工 Enough Plumbers
Enough Plumbers features a Mario-like protagonist and a whole lot of clones. Every time the plumber grabs a coin, he’ll generate a clone of himself, which highlights the clever puzzle-based level design and leads to some rather confusing platforming action. The first several levels allow players time to figure out the cloning concept, and also introduce some special objects that can make the plumber heavy, fire-resistant, or weightless (much like in the Mario games). Eventually, you’ll have to be more strategic about when and where you create your clones, or you may not reach the end. Fortunately, only one Mario has to reach the goal and it doesn’t matter how many clones die in the process. Enough Plumbers builds on a concept in a game previously released by developer Glen Forrester called Enough Marios. That game was created in under two hours for a Klik of the Month Klub jam, in which participants got together to create the silliest games they could think of on the spot.

Minotaur China Shop
Minotaur China Shop takes the expression “bull in a china shop” and applies it to a game by putting you in control of the mythical Minotaur as he attempts to sell china plates and Ming vases to demanding customers. As you’d expect, the Minotaur is rather difficult to control and not very wellsuited to this kind of business—when he tries to retrieve a customer’s selections from a shelf, there’s every chance that the entire shelf will come crashing down instead. Fortunately, the Minotaur can benefit from his aggressive and destructive ways by ignoring his clientele and instead going on a rampage around the shop, which will result in a nice insurance payout. You’ll be able to earn upgrades at the end of each day so that you can buy more stock for the shop and allow the beast to rage for a little longer. Minotaur China Shop was one of Flashbang’s first games to appear on its popular Blurst gaming site; it now plays host to many of the studio’s classics, including Blush and Time Donkey.

Run, Jesus Run!
Run Jesus Run (aka The 10 Second Gospel) is a quick-fire and very silly look at the life of Jesus Christ. With ten seconds on the clock, you move hastily from his birth in Bethlehem to his crucifixion, performing miracles along the way. The controls are as simple as the gameplay is; holding the right arrow causes Jesus to run, while pressing the space bar will make him “do Jesus things.” Each screen covers a different story from the Gospel, including his trials in the desert with the devil, and his miracle of walking on water. At the end of the ten seconds—if you’ve managed to make it all the way without dying early—you’ll be awarded a certain number of apostles out of a total of 12. The number you’re awarded is based on the number of miracles that you successfully performed. If you’re wondering why the game is so short, it was developed in four days for an Experimental Gameplay Project competition with the theme “10 seconds.”

六边拼图 Entanglement
Entanglement is a clever tile-placing puzzler in which you position hexagons on a board in order to extend a spaghetti-like line for as long as possible, without letting it hit the sides of the hexagons that haven’t been played. Each hexagon has two lines extending from each edge, for a total of 12 different connection points. You place hexagons and rotate them, attempting to match a line from your hexagon with the red line that connects to the hexagon in the centre so that the centre red line is extended. The red line will zigzag around the board, going under and over itself as players add to its length. The more pieces the red line goes through before reaching a gap, the more points you will receive. Once the red line cannot move anywhere other than into a wall, your final score is recorded. While the game will work with any web browser, it is best played in Google Chrome since it’s a Chrome webstore app. Using a Google account will also allow you to upload your scores to an online leaderboard.

Crush the Castle
With over 20 million plays online, Crush the Castle has helped to make developers Joey Betz and Chris Condon famous. Players launch huge boulders at a series of castles with the goal of knocking down the structures and crushing the enemies inside. Each stone is launched with two simple clicks: the first to get the trebuchet swinging and the second to let the rock fly. The action is entirely physicsbased, meaning that if you strike the top of a castle, the upper pieces will collapse and possibly knock the remaining walls down too. Players need to crush every person in the castle to progress past a level, but there are only a limited number of rocks available for each scenario. The game has enjoyed huge success, and both a sequel and an iPhone version have been released. It has also inspired a whole host of item-flinging games, including the hugely popular Angry Birds franchise.

Action Turnip
Only an indie game would give you the chance to take control of a turbocharged turnip. This particular turnip is on the run, and the game has him dashing along platforms, entering psychedelic realms, and fighting off strange creatures with his laser fire. As the turnip runs (leaving colourful rainbows in his wake), you can use your mouse to take aim and fire at an assortment of odd adversaries, but you’ll need to use your keyboard at the same time to make sure that he doesn’t fall through any gaps. If you rack up a nice combo (or die horribly), the ground will mould itself into words that you can run along. The amateur-looking graphical style changes over time and will cycle through a variety of scenes whose purpose is to confuse you and end the turnip’s life. This is not the first time the turnip has appeared in one of Marcus’s games— it was also the protagonist in the equally strange Free Will.

Described by many players as a journey similar to the classic Myst (although perhaps not in visual style!), Looming follows an unnamed protagonist as he explores the plains of a mysterious world, finds clues, and uncovers a variety of beautiful intertwining stories. You can tackle the mysteries of the monochromatic environment in any order you choose, and this exploration adventure will never make you feel rushed. Looming offers players a variety of events to experience, and the chance to accumulate an assortment of collectables throughout the game; as each set of items is gathered together, stories will reveal themselves, including one about two lovers and another about a band of people who don’t believe that the sky exists. There are nine endings, and the title screen will keep a record as you uncover each one so that you can reenter the world of Looming with your progress saved.

On April 16, 2010, the famous American film critic and screenwriter Roger Ebert posted an entry to his online Chicago Sun-Times journal entitled “Video games can never be art.” Ebert was inundated with comments from gamers who criticized his opinion, but developers at The Peanut Gallery chose to comment through the medium of game instead by releasing the rather twisted p0nd. Players control a man who’s on a brisk stroll through the woods; they hold the space bar so he can breathe in the fresh air and then release it to let him breathe out. Eventually, the man reaches a beautiful clearing with a lake, and a rather strange and completely unexpected scene occurs that throws the previously relaxing premise into total chaos. The random and very silly series of events that follows aims to poke fun at Ebert’s views, even quoting his words from a follow-up blog post in which he states “I may be wrong . . . .” There are multiple endings to find, depending on whether players manage to help the man breathe in time.

The Linear RPG
The Linear RPG distils the role-playing game genre down to its simplest form. Players run along a series of straight lines, gaining experience from “battles” and visiting “inns” to replenish their health. Enemy fights are automated, as are the damage and experience you receive. As you move along the black lines, stars will spring into the air if you’ve received damage, and if your health drops to zero, you’ll rematerialize at the last black dot. Each dot is an inn where players can replenish their health. During play, a story scrolls behind the action, and as you progress farther along the lines, the story goes with you. The game was developed in under 48 hours for an RPG game jam on the RPGDX forums with the theme “LoFi.” Developer Sophie Houlden notes that while her intention was simply to create a “bare minimum” RPG, many players believed that the game was meant as a criticism of the grinding nature of many modern releases.

Fault Line
Faultline features a clever puzzling mechanic that makes for some unique platforming action. The main character is a robot who can launch his hands out to grab hold of nodes in the level. These nodes can then be folded over each other, hiding entire sections of the level from view. With areas of the level now “in the void,” you can pass freely through sections that were originally solid. For example, if there is a wall blocking your path, you can simply pull two nodes together on either side of the wall and it will disappear between them. Anything can be removed from play with this method—from ceilings to traps to enemies! Later levels provide more of a challenge, as there will be multiple nodes and you’ll need to work out which ones are the best to utilise. Nitrome is a London-based development team that’s well known for its clever, unique gameplay mechanics, not to mention its chiptune music and lovely pixel art.

银河历险记 Samorost
Samorost is a surreal point-and-click adventure game that features a gorgeous visual style and a very simple approach to exploring. Players control a hero who has spotted a spiky meteor heading straight for his planet, and therefore sets off in a rocket to alter its course. In each different area, players scour the screen looking for items to click on, and your white-clothed fellow will only progress if you deal with these interactions in the correct order. The story is told through visuals with barely any text, making Samorost a unique but worthwhile experience. Amanita Design is now best known for its unique graphical style, and the high standards applied to Samorost have been carried forward into other releases. The sequel, simply called Samorost 2, is also available to play online. Only the first part of the sequel is free; the second half will cost you five dollars to download.

如梦人生 Every Day the Same Dream
In Every Day the Same Dream, you are tasked with helping a faceless worker break free from his monotonous life and take steps towards finding a new path. The game is presented in a mostly monochromatic style, with a rather depressing soundtrack to match the mood. Players can choose to simply get dressed, head out to work, sit in the cubicle, and get shouted at by the boss—but there are many opportunities to break from the norm, whether it’s skipping certain elements of the day or just trying to find a way around the normal routine. A wise lady in the elevator keeps track of your attempts to break away as you play the same sequence over and over. The game was developed in just six days for the Experimental Gameplay “Art Game” theme, and it received tremendous praise online. A short film based on the game’s storyline was even created, which was directed by Patryk Senwicki and Tamas Kiss.

One Step Back
Forgetting troublesome times from your past can be difficult, especially if you live in the world of One Step Back. The hero must reach the exit on each level, but cannot bump into past versions of himself as he makes his way there. This is a little difficult, as clones of his past come forth from the entrance door every few steps and mimic his movements exactly. At the beginning of the game the exit door is not always available, and in the meantime the protagonist must weave around his ghosts making sure not to touch them. Note that his past selves will not move unless he is moving, so it’s possible to stop and plan a route before implementing it. One Step Back was inspired by a variety of well-known indie titles, especially those that play around with the concept of time-bending and cloning yourself—these include the likes of Braid and Company of Myself.

[Together] follows the story of a young man and woman who take off into the sky, fleeing from an unknown dark monster as they try to collect hearts. There is no real explanation for the couple’s voyage, although the underlying metaphors are quite clear. The lovers are guided by your mouse pointer, and can zip around the sky or dive into the ocean to look for hearts in the depths. When they catch up with a heart you’ll need to keep the mouse pointer steady so that they can grab it, then click to give them a short speed boost that will let them race away from the monster. The monster can also be pushed back by performing small circular movements with the mouse. Each element of the game is a metaphor for love—especially the ending, if you manage to find it. The game was developed for the eighth Casual Gameplay Design competition, for which it took the third place prize.

小象的旅行 Achievement Unlocked
If you’re obsessed with collecting gamerscore on your Xbox 360 or trophies on your Playstation 3, Achievement Unlocked may well speak straight to your heart. John Cooney developed the game as a satirical look at the popularity of achievement harvesting. You take control of a small blue elephant and your goal is to unlock every single achievement from a huge list. However, the achievements aren’t exactly difficult to unlock—in fact, one is awarded for simply loading up the game, while another is given for moving the elephant to the right. The achievements are purposely silly and simple to unlock, and each achievement also has a hint that makes it more than obvious how to accomplish it. “Winning” is based on the sheer quantity of achievements you accumulate, rather than how challenging the achievements themselves are. The game is hugely popular, with over four million plays to date. The nowfamous blue elephant has since appeared in many of John’s releases, including the tricky This Is the Only Level and the inevitable Achievement Unlocked 2.

Hummingbird Mind
Hummingbird Mind is a short adventure game with a rather unique premise: it follows the thoughts of a man who suffers from attention deficit disorder and who is constantly being distracted from his work by things in his apartment. In the beginning, you won’t be able to choose all the actions and line of dialogue that are available; some will be blacked out until you’ve gathered information and have been able to make some progress in the game. The protagonist creates whole conversations in his head, playing out the types of arguments his cat would make if the cat could talk, and the dialogue is witty and rather poetic in places. The main reason to play Hummingbird Mind, though, is the great feeling it will leave behind after you’ve finished. Developer Jake Elliott has said that he is interested in creating non-violent games with themes such as friendship, collaboration, and community, and he’s definitely succeeded with this release.

Solipskier is a fast-paced arcade game about skiing at alarming speeds. You hold down your mouse button to draw a slalom for your skier, and then guide him through gates and tunnels to build up his velocity. Along the way, there are red gates that must be dodged and areas where you can’t draw any snow courses. Therefore, it is essential to plan ahead and flick the skier into the air whenever one of these sections is approaching, which will enable him to perform stunts above the troublesome parts. If the skier reaches breakneck speeds, his headphones will fly off, and the rock music will be replaced with the sound of wind as it rushes past his ears. Within a month of release, the game had been played roughly four million times. The game is also available on both the iPhone and Android.

You Have No Legs
You Have No Legs follows the story of Jack, an archaeologist who is working at a dig site in Teotihuacan, Mexico, when a huge earthquake rocks the land and a fissure swallows him up. He is trying to escape from his tomb, but there’s one problem—he has no legs. The game features a rather interesting method for getting Jack around: you click and hold the mouse button in front of Jack to make him grab the floor, and then drag backward, which allows him to pull himself along. After exploring the cavern, you’ll find power-ups that let Jack climb walls and hurl himself through the air to safety. Small pools of water are scattered around that act as save points in your journey. The game was developed for the fifth Game Developer Challenge at SomethingAwful. com, where it won first place.

One Button Bob
Help One Button Bob traverse a dangerous castle and find a treasure via the simple click of a mouse button. You click anywhere in the game to make Bob perform various actions—like jumping over pits or running away from heavy boulders Indiana Jones style. Controlling Bob is different on each screen and will depend on the obstacle he’s facing. When there are bats and spiders, he’ll throw his trusty boomerang to cut them down; if an arrow trap is the problem, holding the mouse button will make Bob pause for a moment so that he can avoid it. A tally of the number of times you’ve clicked is displayed in the top corner so that you can compare how well you did with friends. A sequel to One Button Bob is also available: One Button Arthur features the same style of one-button gaming but with play that’s more focussed on navigating small rooms than on walking in a straight line.

Grow Cube
Browser game GROW Cube revolves around the idea of building up a small world on the surface of a cube. You’re given ten different objects, and the animations you see will depend on the order in which you apply them. As you add more items to the cube, every object on the cube will react in either a positive or negative manner and will evolve to fit the scene. Once all ten objects have been placed, a level that shows the degree to which each has evolved will be displayed next to each element. The idea is to find the perfect ordering of the objects, so that each can reach MAX evolution and you can play the final animation. GROW Cube is the third in the GROW series, which is currently comprised of more than a dozen games—including a Christmas tree edition and an RPG—with a similar concept. Many of the GROW games have secret endings in addition to the basic ones, and you’ll usually have to think “outside the box” to find them.

Feign puts your ideas of perspective to the test as you attempt to navigate a twisted maze that at times does not appear to be passable. Along the way, you must find and save nine glowing people. From the very beginning, Feign’s level design doesn’t appear to make any sense, as corridors seem to open out into areas that appeared at first to be empty space. Players must think outside of the box to succeed in Feign, as there is a multitude of mind-bending twists and turns to overcome. One way to prevail is to stick to the walls of the maze whenever you find yourself lost—you may find that an opening presents itself in a place where it seemed impossible to encounter an outlet. Finding the final person is tricky, so here’s a hint: try ignoring the rules of the game, and you may find that the ninth character will appear when you reach the end.

The Majesty of Colors
The Majesty of Colors is one person’s dream about being a huge squid-like creature from the deep. A single playthrough lasts just a few minutes, during which you control the squid’s long tentacle and choose whether to interact with the human race in a positive or negative manner. The title of the game refers to the first time the sea creature plucks a colourful balloon from the sky and examines it with his huge eyeballs. Players can choose to help out the humans—for example, by catching fish for a fisherman or by saving a child from a shark attack—or they can decide to drown anyone who goes into the water and then deal with the subsequent human retaliation. There are five endings in total, and story paths go in different directions depending on how you deal with each situation. The Majesty of Colors is widely regarded as one of Gregory’s finest pieces of work.

Chase Goose 2
There’s a snake monster on the loose that’s rather fond of eating geese. You are one such goose, trying to escape as the monster edges closer and closer by tapping furiously away on your keyboard. Escape might be simple were it not for the deliberately awkward control scheme. To make our feathered friend run, you’ll need to keep alternating the left and right arrows—but that’s not all. Whenever there is a gap in the floor, you’ll need to tap whatever keyboard button is displayed on the screen (and it can be anything), so a good knowledge of your keyboard is a must! Eventually the key play gets even trickier, as you’re required to hold down the Shift key the entire time, and will need to know such random trivia as the “Japanese Lucky Number.” This sequel builds on the original game by adding more polish and by requiring players to use many more keys. Both games will give your arm a thorough workout, though, as the constant tapping will really get your muscles going.

不要回头 Don't Look Back
A take on the story of Orpheus and Eurydice from Greek mythology, Don’t Look Back is a short but powerful platformer that follows Orpheus as he journeys into the Underworld on a quest to find his love. The game features a simple, yet striking, graphical style and tough platforming action. There are also boss fights against the deities of the Underworld. The majority of the areas in Don’t Look Back can be navigated by observing the movement patterns of your enemies and dodging them accordingly. Once you’ve managed to find Eurydice, you’ll need to bring her back to the surface—although, if you are familiar with the original story, you know that this will be rather tricky! Many gamers have commented on how impressive it is that the lo-fi visuals can give such a creepy feel. The game has received roughly one million plays since its release in early 2009, helping launch developer Terry Cavanagh into the limelight.

A stray cat stumbles upon a special collar that allows the wearer to control time. The feline sets out during a busy lunch break and uses the collar’s unique power to collect the morsels of food dropped by busy, clumsy workers. You control the cat’s movements with your mouse. The time-altering mechanics of the game are rather clever—the people around the cat only move when he does, so if the cat is stationary, everyone surrounding him will be too. However, each piece of food has a time limit on it and must be collected before the timer hits zero; hence, the cat cannot stand around for too long. The volume of pedestrian traffic will rise along with your score, making it more difficult for the cat to reach the leftovers. If a human steps on you, the game is over. Mysterious glowing white balls will appear occasionally, and collecting these will allow the cat to push people away from him, thereby reducing the risk of being trampled.

When the Bomb Goes Off
What will you be doing when the world ends? This is the question asked by When the Bomb Goes Off, a humorous take on those last precious moments before total destruction. Your task is to help a variety of people achieve their goals before the bomb hits. You’re thrown into different situations one at a time and given five seconds to complete each task. Activities include catching an American football, swinging from a chandelier, and passing a drink to a friend at a party. It’s hard to tell whether you’ve completed the assignments until the end of the game, when you’ll get a display that shows the percentage of tasks that were completed. The game features a few nods to classic video games; in one scenario, you jump over a Mario-style pipe and land on an opponent similar to a Koopa Troopa. Tom has also remarked that Nintendo’s WarioWare series had a big influence on the game’s design.

Mountain Maniac
The Mountain Man is in a bit of a rage, and he’s venting his anger on the city below. In Mountain Maniac, you slam the mountaintop with your hammer, creating huge boulders that roll down and destroy anything in their paths. As the boulders fall, you hit the left and right arrows to guide them into as many cars, trees, animals, and houses as possible—and you’ll rack up huge combos if you manage to take out multiples of the same obstacles. Eventually, the boulder reaches the bottom of the mountain, and you’ll need to lay waste to a certain proportion of the city’s buildings to progress. At the end of each level, law enforcers will appear at the top of the mountain to arrest you, but fortunately you’ve got your trusty hammer to hold them back. Mountain Maniac was developed as part of a series of 8-bit games that were created during a collaboration between Adult Swim Games and Pixeljam Games. Other games in the series include Sausage Factory, Turbo Granny, and Creamwolf.

雪地单车 Icycle: On Thin Ice
When you’re waking up from a cryogenically frozen state, the last thing you’d expect to see is a bicycle in the pod next to yours. Nevertheless, this is what happens in Icycle, and the naked hero is all too happy to jump on the bike and pedal his way through treacherously cold landscapes. Someone else has been unthawed at the same time, and your task is to chase your unnamed quarry down. The protagonist can cycle forwards but not backwards, so you’ll have to anticipate the moves you’ll need to make in order to solve each of the puzzles that presents itself. As you progress through the game’s eight levels, backdrops tell the story of what has happened on Earth while you were frozen. There are also frozen bubbles throughout each level to collect—developer Reece Millidge says that this idea was inspired by a gorgeous collection of frozen soap bubble images that he spotted online.

屋顶狂奔 77 Canabalt
Developer Adam Saltsman came up with the name of this game after he heard his nephew mispronounce the word “catapult.” Canabalt is a platforming game with one-button play; players hit the space bar (or touch the screen in the iPhone version) to jump over obstacles and leap through gaps between buildings. The protagonist dashes along rooftops and smashes through windows, although we never discover exactly what it is he is running away from. Levels are randomly generated, so no two playthroughs are ever the same. It is impossible to “win” Canabalt as our hero never reaches his destination— rather, the goal is to see how far you can run before falling. The game has been hugely popular due to its simple yet addictive gameplay and the gorgeous futuristic sci-fi setting. The mysterious nature of its story has further enhanced its appeal. Canabalt has inspired a whole new genre of Flash and iPhone games, including the Spiritonin Media title Robot Unicorn Attack.

终结 81 Closure
Closure is a gloomy platformer that follows one simple rule: if an obstacle is shrouded in darkness, then it no longer exists. Only light can bring walls, ceilings, and floors into full view, and fortunately the game’s protagonist has an abundance at his disposal. The hero starts each level with a ball of light that he carries around to illuminate platforms. He’ll soon come up against a wall or two, at which point he can use the darkness to his advantage by dropping the ball on the floor so that the upper part of the wall is no longer lit up. Now that the wall doesn’t exist, he can jump through the darkness and past the obstacle. This is just one of many clever puzzles that Closure will throw at you, as the concept is explored to its fullest. Spurred on by a win at the Independent Games Festival in 2010, not to mention more than one million online plays, the Closure team is currently working on a commercial version of the game.

击败我 DefeatMe
In DefeatMe, your greatest enemy is yourself; at each stage, you fight clones of yourself who repeat your moves from previous rounds—including firing back at you. Each level includes clones of all your past selves; therefore, by the time you reach double figures, the screen will be filled with laser fire and winning will be next to impossible. So what’s the best tactic: firing off as few bullets as possible, or spraying and dodging all over the place? You won’t have a chance to sit back and think about it, as a laser wall is constantly moving down the screen and you’ll be killed instantly if it reaches the bottom. DefeatMe is hosted on the Wonderfl coding site, where users can copy each other’s code and create their own spinoffs—hence, there are also plenty of “forked” versions of DefeatMe to play.
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