游戏列表:《250 Indie Games You Must Play》(250)
整理自 Mike Rose 的著作《250 Indie Games You Must Play》
创建会员: dtq1997

今日之死 Today I Die
Today I Die follows a girl as she descends into the darkness. Words at the top of the screen describe the scene that’s being displayed, but players can change the words to help the girl escape her dark fate. As you drag new words into place the scene changes accordingly. However, not every word is available at the beginning so you’ll need to interact with the scene itself to uncover more words. The correct combination of words will allow the girl to move away from the dark and eventually escape into the light. Later scenarios are more difficult to figure out and you’ll probably have to experiment with the demons around the girl to work out how to help her progress. An iPhone version of the game called Today I Die Again is also available; it follows the same format but features a different set of events and words.

You Only Live Once
You Only Live Once is more like a conceptual cartoon than a playable game. Players find themselves in a Mario-like world with a twist: if you die, there is no way to play the game again, even if you reload your browser or refresh the page. The game is simple but unforgiving, and your chances of completing it are very slim. Once the main character has died, you’ll be treated to a series of game-over screens (a new one shows up each time the page is refreshed). The screens range from a television broadcast announcing your death to a shot of your grave with grass growing from the soil; refresh the page enough times and your character will begin to rise from the dead, only to fall over dead again. This experimental game was presented by developer Marcus Richert at the 2009 Sense of Wonder Night in Tokyo. Keita Takahashi, developer of Katamari Damacy, said he liked the game’s “corniness.”

天国之塔 Tower of Heaven
Tower of Heaven follows a mysterious protagonist as he attempts to climb a dangerous tower by moving through a sequence of increasingly difficult rooms. During his ascent, an unnamed adversary taunts him and will do anything to prevent him from reaching the top. A special resource called the Book of Laws is introduced early in the game, and players must follow rules like “Thou shalt not touch golden blocks” and “Thou shalt not walk left” or see their lives end abruptly. The laws are added one by one over the course of the 11 levels. By the time you reach the last few rooms, all the laws will be in effect at the same time and the going will be very tough. The game was originally developed in 2009 by Askiisoft as a freeware download. It was later released as a Flash browser title with help from indie developers Miroslav Malesevic and Stefan Jeremic.

The Company of Myself
A man who once had a lot of friends now spends his life alone and wonders where it all went wrong. Fortunately, he’s capable of performing some pretty neat cloning tricks to help get himself past some of life’s toughest obstacles. The Company of Myself plays with the idea of interacting with past versions of yourself. The hero can move into position, then materialize again and watch his past self make the same move that he just did. This ability allows him to jump on the heads of his past selves to reach ledges that were originally too high for him to leap onto. Later on he’ll have to act as a makeshift platform for his clones. The protagonist explains his thoughts and how his past fits into the gameplay as the action unfolds. At the time of writing, the game had been played nearly five million times.

Evacuation is a puzzle game set in space that features decompression chambers, coloured gates, and hungry aliens that cause mayhem for your ship’s crew. On each level, your goal is to eject the aliens into space without losing any of your people. This is easier said than done; all the gates between chambers are colourcoded, and opening one gate will open all gates of the same colour. That means it’s easy to accidentally remove crew members along with the aliens. Fortunately, you can command your crew to move into different rooms— but just make sure you don’t lead them into an alien-infested area, as the big purple blobs are rather ravenous. Note that while you can sacrifice part of your crew without ending the game, Captain Ryan—the officer in the control room at the front of the ship—must be kept alive at all costs.

Blasting Agent
An international terrorist group calling itself “The Black Hand of Fate” has secretly built a huge weapons facility in the heart of a volcano in Antarctica. Only the Blasting Agent can stop its army of genetically-created monsters and bio-engineered soldiers. The Blasting Agent is you, of course—a secret agent with a nice fat blaster. The hero ventures into the harsh environment, gunning down enemies with his laser and taking on huge boss battles. Throughout the mission, you’ll find a multitude of weapon upgrades, treasures, and health pick-ups to collect that will help turn the tide of battle your way. If you play well enough, there are awards to bag, and a more difficult level is available if you manage to blast your way to victory in easy mode. The game is rather short, with only three levels to play, but unlocking absolutely everything in the game will test the skills of even the best players.

Small Worlds
Small Worlds implements pixel art in a unique manner: it begins with a claustrophobic, blocky setting that slowly reveals itself to be far more detailed as you explore. As you move around, the camera pans out to capture each of the areas you’ve explored, and piece by piece the scene will be built up into something beautiful. It’s as if your protagonist, in the process of becoming more familiar with the surroundings, realizes that what originally appeared to be a bit of a mess is actually a highly detailed world. Each different area tells a story—through images rather than text—and piecing them all together is really fantastic stuff. The game was developed for the sixth Casual Gameplay Design competition, for which the theme was “Explore.” It not only won first prize, but also the Audience Award.

Time Fcuk
Time Fcuk is a platforming game that takes pleasure in being nonsensical. The “you” from 20 minutes in the future appears and tells you to get into a box. You’re then presented with a variety of tricky plane-switching puzzles. Reaching the portal on each level is always the goal, but the portals are not always immediately accessible. The switch-plane button is your key to success, as it allows the hero to move between dimensions and create platforms that were not originally present. If the portal is on another plane, you may need to switch between planes multiple times to reach it, especially in the game’s later levels. You can also create your own Time Fcuk levels, and there are tons of user-created puzzles to play in addition to the game’s basic mode. Time Fcuk was developed for the Newgrounds Power of Three festival, in which three game designers worked individually within a team to produce the art, code, and music for a game. The music and the haunting sounds in Time Fcuk were created by Justin Karpel.

It’s time to stand up to totalitarianism and government abuses of power! Exploit is a grid-based puzzle game about hacking, in which you fire off packets of data so that you can break through firewalls to find the information you need. Each system has a root node that you’ll need to access, but there are digital obstacles all over the place designed to prevent security breaches (like blocker nodes that will stop your packets from reaching their destinations, and divider nodes that will cause them to change direction). An in-depth tutorial explains all the different node types. The action is relatively simple when it starts off, but eventually you’ll find yourself up against some seriously complex systems. Story mode features a great plot with solid writing in between each level, while challenge mode throws a selection of head-scratchers your way. You can even create your own security systems by using the puzzle editor that’s included.

Use Boxmen
Use Boxmen is a tricky platform puzzler whose premise is exactly what it says on the tin. The main character can create clones of himself to interact with the surroundings and help him safely obtain the special box that’s located somewhere in the level. The clones act in a variety of roles (from runners to blockers to crouchers) determined by how the protagonist is standing, so you may be reminded of the classic game Lemmings. Use Boxmen is a charming game, with the narrator noting that both he and the hero are aware that they are in a video game, and the clones displaying beaming smiles regardless of their fates. The game caused quite a stir in the mainstream media, even winning the 2009 E4 Platform Game of the Year award. It has been played more than 30 million times to date.

Continuity combines your standard sliding-tile puzzle with a simple platforming game, and the result is something rather wonderful. You play by shuffling the tiles in each level around into configurations that allow your stick-man hero to progress. Your goal is to get the edges of two adjacent tiles to match, and once you’ve done that, your hero will be able to move between them and onto a new tile. Then you can shuffle the tiles again and move him into a brand new area. If you play your cards right, you’ll be able to reach the key and help him escape through the red door. The game has picked up multiple high-profile awards, including the Best Student Game at the 2010 Gameplay Independent Game Festival and the Gameplay Innovation Award at IndieCade 2010. A sequel is currently in the works for the iPhone and is expected to be released sometime in 2011.

Little Wheel
When a terrible accident at the main power generator occurs, an entire city of robots runs out of energy and the whole population switches off. Ten thousand years later, a freak bolt of lightning hits a tower where a small robot lies, waking him from his dormancy. Little Wheel follows this robot’s story as he attempts to reach the main generator and turn the power back on. The game is a point-and-click adventure, so in each area there are various items for him to interact with, and the robot forges a path by experimenting with these interactions. The game is short (taking roughly 15 minutes to complete) but entertaining, and worth playing for the gorgeous visuals and jazzy music alone. Little Wheel received a huge amount of coverage in the mainstream press when it was released, and won the award for best browser game at the MTV Game Awards in 2009.

Captain Forever
The Captain Forever series is a sandbox exploration game set in deep space. You are the captain of the Nemesis, stranded in the middle of nowhere with randomly-generated enemies all around. Fortunately, you have a weak laser that’s sufficient to pick off less powerful opponents. Once you’ve destroyed a ship, you can gather the remnants (that include things like body parts, thrusters, and lasers) and attach them to your ship with your mouse. Updates to your ship allow you to tackle more powerful enemies and steal their parts too. Eventually it’s possible to build yourself a huge ship that is capable of taking down anything that comes within range. You can play Captain Forever for free, or set up an account on the site to access a variety of advanced, pay-for-play versions of the game—such as Captain Successor and Captain Impostor—that add new modes and more ship pieces to play around with.

You Have to Burn the Rope
In early 2008, developer Mazapan decided to push the limits of what could be described as a game. You Have to Burn the Rope features the absolute minimal elements of gaming—that is, an objective and a result—and was created solely to make fun of the limited interaction in other games. You Have to Burn the Rope lasts around a minute in total, and your goal is plain and simple—burn a rope to win. The game is a commentary on the point at which these kinds of simple and linear experiences cease to be games. After you’ve completed your task, an amusing song will play to further emphasize the game’s ironic statement. Despite its brevity, You Have to Burn the Rope has been played online more than 3.6 million times and has also been showcased at various game exhibitions. It was nominated for the Innovation award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival.

Gravity Hook
Gravity Hook takes place in a secret base underground. An unnamed hero wonders how far below the surface he is and uses his Gravity Hook to fling himself upward as far as he can so that he can find out. The game can feel a little tricky to control at first, but once you get the hang of it, the action is great fun. Clicking on one of the floating mines will allow the protagonist to fire his hook and latch on to it so that he can spring into the air. However, latching on to a mine will cause it to open up, revealing the explosives inside—and if the hero touches the mine in this form, he will die. His speed is controlled by his proximity to the mines, and you’ll find the gameplay to be rather fast-paced as you attempt to constantly shift from mine to mine and stay aloft. The game was inspired by a typing-tutor prototype called Gravity Key, which was developed by Arne Niklas Jansson. An updated commercial version, Gravity Hook HD, is also available for the iPhone and iPad.

Dino Run
If you ever wondered why dinosaurs became extinct, Dino Run has the answer. Your job is to get your dinosaur to safety by running as fast as possible from a huge wall of death that’s sweeping the land. There will be eggs to collect and smaller dinosaurs to gobble up (it’s a dinoeat- dino world out there) as you flee from certain doom. Each level features a variety of secrets to uncover, hidden routes to explore, and awards to obtain—not to mention skins to dress your dinosaur in, and hats to adorn his bony head. You’ll earn DNA and upgrade your dino’s abilities if you get far enough. There are also multiple game modes at your disposal that feature speed runs and different challenges. Once you’ve mastered the single-player courses, the multiplayer races will keep you entertained for even longer. There’s a ranked levelling system in place so that you can find suitable opponents online.

Powder Game
Powder Game is a sandbox wind simulator that offers players a variety of different materials to blow around the screen. Players can experiment with different effects, and even add little stick men who will fight each other in the world you’ve created. The available materials react differently to wind, fans, bubbles, and other forces, and playing around with everything that’s on offer is rather addictive. Powder and salt particles will whirl around the screen, while nitro and blocks of C-4 cause psychedelic explosions. You can control some of your stick men via the arrow keys, and subject them to fire, acid, lasers, and bombs if you want. Birds and ants add a pleasantly natural atmosphere to your world. Once you’ve created your world, you can upload it so that other players will be able to play and rate it. You can also play levels by other players, and there are numerous great creations to be found.

Line Rider
First released in 2006, Line Rider quickly became an Internet phenomenon thanks to its entertaining premise and sandbox-style tools. Players draw a series of lines, and then a boy on a sled rides along them until he either crashes or reaches the end of the run. There is no real goal in Line Rider—instead, this is a game about letting your imagination run wild. The sled can pick up some serious speed depending on the angle of the slope you draw, and you can introduce elements like loop-the-loops, which will propel him to another place in the level. As long as his head doesn’t hit the floor, the ceiling, or the walls, he’ll keep racing along. More experienced users have used the tools to create some incredible runs, many of which are featured on the Line Rider website. The success of the game has spawned multiple commercial versions, including a sequel for PC and the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS, along with an app for the iPhone and the iPad.

The Last Stand
How would you survive a zombie apocalypse? The Last Stand puts you in the role of a survivor who has barricaded himself behind a wall and must fend zombies off every night, whilst heading out in the day to look for supplies and survivors. You start off with just a pistol. As you play, you’ll need to allocate your time between searching for new weapons, repairing your barricade, and looking for other humans to help you survive. It’s a trade-off; more powerful weapons will let you take the zombies down more quickly, but having more survivors on your team allows you to fortify your wall more quickly and provides extra firepower in battle. The Last Stand has proved to be a huge success, with over 10 million plays in total. A sequel called The Last Stand 2 has already been released, and another game in the series—The Last Stand: Union City—is currently in production.

憎恨王国 The Kingdom of Loathing
First released in early 2003, The Kingdom of Loathing is a browser-based RPG that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Your KoL journey is told through crudely drawn black-and-white environments and hilarious encounters with a variety of absurd characters. While exploring the world, the hero encounters different enemies and monsters and must defeat them via turn-based combat. Quests are displayed on a panel to the left of the action, and players can level up by completing these challenges and by killing baddies. Every element of the game aims to be humorous, from the silly weapons to the random cocktail-crafting. KoL players are known for their use of proper grammar and spelling, and will correct anyone using Internet-speak like “lol.” The Kingdom of Loathing has proved so popular that creators Zack “Jick” Johnson and Josh “Mr. Skullhead” Nite are now able to employ a team of five to work on the game full-time, thanks to user donations and merchandise sales. The game was still considered unfinished at the time of writing, as new content is added frequently.

Garden Gnome Carnage
Garden Gnome Carnage is a Christmas miracle! You play a green-clothed elf with sunglasses who hates Christmas and wants to stop the rest of the elves from delivering presents and spreading cheer. The best way to do this, of course, is to bungee-jump from the top of a building and slap all the elves off the sides as they attempt to scale the house and put presents down the chimney. Players control the direction of the swinging elf by moving the building (which is on wheels) left and right. Later on, sleighs fly in and try to land on the roof of your building and you need to beat them off, too. If things get a little too hectic, you can press the Shift key to call in an airstrike and clear the screen. You can also grab bricks from the building and lob them at the ground, which will take out multiple elves with one shot.

星探林檎 Hoshi Saga 4: Ringo
Hoshi Saga is a series of tricky puzzles from Japanese developer Yoshio Ishii. Individual games are comprised of a collection of “stages,” each of which conceals a star. You either find the star or build it using each stage’s available pieces. Hoshi Saga Ringo is the fourth in the series, and the first to be in colour rather than in black and white. There are a total of 25 puzzles to solve: 16 can be tackled immediately, and the other 9 open up as you find stars. Difficulty ratings of levels are (of course!) given in stars and range from half a star (for simple puzzles) to five stars (for fiendishly difficult brain-teasers). Compared to the rest of the series, Hoshi Saga Ringo is perhaps one of the easier collections and therefore a good starting point for investigating the Hoshi Saga series.

飞扳 78 Flywrench
Flywrench is an arcade game with a seemingly simple premise that offers very challenging play. Like a manic flapping butterfly in space, Flywrench is on a mission to visit each planet in our solar system and must pass through various coloured gates on each level to reach his destinations. Whenever Flywrench flaps his wings, his body turns from white to red. This movement is used not only to keep him aloft, but also to allow him to pass through the coloured gates, since he must be the correct colour in order to pass through each. He also has command of a roll move that will turn his body green so that he can pass through the green gates. Gates and objects of all other colours must be avoided. Keeping Flywrench under control is a challenge, and later levels of the game are extremely difficult but ultimately rewarding. Developer Mark Essen is currently working on an expanded commercial version of the game.

I Was in the War
I Was in the War is either a philosophical look at how war can escalate out of control or an action-packed—and rather distorted—arcade game that requires quick reactions and a steady hand. It all depends on your approach. As your soldier storms the battlefield, he’ll grow in size and make the enemy look very small, but if he stops for a moment, he’ll begin to shrink again. There is no way to attack the opposing side, so instead you must either jump over them or flip over to the other side of the red walkway to advance. Over time, huge tanks and helicopters will come racing along and try to cut you down a notch or two. The entire game was developed in just over three hours for a contest on The Poppenkast Forums with the theme “10800 Seconds” (exactly three hours).

If anyone can overcome the dangers hidden away in the tombs of Tamara- Kama and find the incredible treasures of legend, it must surely be brave explorer Danger Jane and her magnificent shovelling skills. Jane starts digging for her life immediately upon entering the tombs, as a ceiling of spikes begins closing in. The floors are made up of coloured blocks that crumble and take all the adjacent matching colour chunks with them as she digs. The idea is to dig through the blocks to create a line of escape for Jane and allow her to move rapidly through the floor. Blocks will be removed from the spiked ceiling as well, depending on the colours it hits. All the colour coordination results in a game with a great combination of puzzles and fast-paced action that’s loaded with close calls throughout. Tombed was developed in two days for a Ludum Dare competition with the theme “Advancing Wall of Doom,” hence the advancing and very deadly spikes.

纳米机器人 Nanobots
Groovy Greg has created a bunch of tiny robots that have the ability to feel love. Unfortunately, there isn’t much love involved at all—the bots argue constantly with each other. But it turns out that the evil Professor Killfun wants to smash them into pieces, and with the scrapheap looming, the six Nanobots finally start working together to escape from Killfun and help Greg complete his thesis. The player controls each of the robots separately in classic point-and-click style, and each robot has its own special ability that must be used cooperatively with the other bots. For example, Hotbot can heat up the surrounding area, while Strongbot can lift heavy items. Throughout play, the Nanobots continue to irritate each other with hilarious exchanges. With the success that Nanobots enjoyed, developer Erin Robinson decided to expand the concept, creating a paid, indirect sequel called Puzzle Bots, with a new set of robots and a whole lot of polish.

巴克利式篮球:外传 Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa (its full name) is a tongue-in-cheek RPG that acts as an unofficial sequel to the 1995 basketball game Barkley Shut Up and Jam. The game is set in a future where basketball has been outlawed after a “Chaos Dunk” killed millions of people. The hero is real-life NBA star Charles Barkley, who the game has living in a post-apocalyptic “Neo New York” with his son. A second Chaos Dunk has killed all the inhabitants of another city and Barkley has been wrongly accused of the crime, so he must go into hiding until he can clear his name. The game features a whole host of real basketball players as characters, and frequently references the 1996 Warner Brothers film Space Jam. Battles occur in classic turn-based RPG style, and players will have the opportunity to meet up with a variety of teammates and accumulate an assortment of special abilities. Even if you have no knowledge of basketball or its players, Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is still highly enjoyable, with a hilarious storyline throughout.

Teppoman is a simple run ‘n’ gun platformer that stars a naked hero. Terrorists have taken a number of your fellow nudists hostage and your job is to bust in, take the enemies out, and free your unclothed friends. The game doesn’t try to throw any clever concepts your way, opting instead for an all-out blast fest with assorted weapons to find and lots of blood to be spilled. The game is in Japanese, but there is barely any dialogue involved. The only keys you’ll need are the arrow keys to move, Shift to jump, Ctrl to use your weapons, and the down arrow to pick up any guns off the floor. There is also an indirect sequel available. Teppoman 2 puts you in control of a caped protagonist who enters a high-security fortress to take back his bananas. The sequel is far more technical than the original, as the hero has a number of special skills (including wall jumps, reverse jumps, and gliding) at his disposal.

穆拉纳秘宝 87 La-Mulana
Legend tells of a land where the very first civilisation was formed—a people from whom the whole human race sprang. This land is called La-Mulana, and Professor Lemeza has finally found it after searching far and wide for many years. La-Mulana is not your typical adventure platformer. Harking back to the days of tough and unrelenting gaming, the journey it features is a difficult one. Lemeza begins with a simple whip as his weapon, and must progress through a series of tombs full of nasty enemies who are tough to beat. Visuals are reminiscent of those from the old MSX home computers of the ‘80s. What makes La-Mulana so interesting is the non-linear pathways, which provide players with multiple ways to venture. The game, however, offers no clues as to which routes to take. Although the game is in Japanese, there is an English translation patch available for download from Aeon Genesis. A version with updated graphics is currently in the works for the Nintendo Wii.

Bonesaw: The Game
The Bonesaw is the secret weapon of the Golden Knights, an ice hockey team named after its real-life counterpart at Clarkson University in New York. The day before a big game, an evil referee takes the whole team hostage, with the exception of a single player who must rescue them all. The game consists of sections that blend platforming, puzzle, and beat-’emup gameplay with a side of exploration. Players from opposing teams are positioned all over the place, and the hero must beat up every one to progress. He collects their blood to power up his ultimate weapon—the Bonesaw— which you can use to destroy hordes of your opponents in a single swipe by pressing the space bar. There are special golden pucks on each level that can be difficult to find. Your progress through the Bonesaw world is tracked on a map like those used in the classic Super Mario World games.

Opera Omnia
Looking for an experience that will really test your noggin? In Opera Omnia, you’ll be challenged as you take on the role of a chief historian whose job is to input theories about past migration into the World History System. You’ll be given information about a particular era and will need to record migration routes by drawing lines between cities with your mouse. However, you’ll also have to pay attention to the timeline at the bottom of the screen that stretches from the present into the past. As natural disasters such as famine occur, populations will move and you’ll need to move the slider along to alter your migration paths accordingly. Later on in the game, the vibe becomes a little eerie as “the others”’ are introduced into the story. The game can be difficult to understand at first, especially since the timeline feels as though it’s backwards. However, once you wrap your head around the idea that you are logging where migration routes end not where they begin, Opera Omnia will prove itself to be one of the more enjoyable puzzlers you can play.

破坏者 Destructivator
An evil genius called Zallagor has been secretly building up an army for decades, and has finally unleashed it on the world. The population of the planet is enslaved and there is only one hope: Destructivator, the ultimate soldier. Similar in visual style to the 1983 Commodore game Lode Runner, Destructivator is a fast-paced blaster in which you must destroy every enemy on the screen in order to progress. The element of surprise will be your most powerful weapon—in order to prevail, you’ll need to scramble onto platforms quickly and shoot all your opponents before they have a chance to fire off a bullet in your direction. Gradually, your enemies will become stronger, with much more deadly missiles that you’ll have to dodge. Fortunately, the hero can be hit numerous times before dying and can also pick up health boxes along the way. If you can blast your way through all 20 levels, you’ll reach Zallagor’s lair and be tasked with ridding the world of him once and for all.

Feeling lonely and desperate for a friend, a young boy goes off into the wilderness. He soon finds a strange space creature who offers him a ride on his back, and the duo set off into space to visit the surrounding planets, swinging from asteroids as they go. In Aether, each planet has a secret and a puzzle to be solved, and since you’re never directly told how to uncover each mystery, you must explore and experiment to figure things out. Your squid-like friend moves by grabbing clouds and space rocks with his long tongue, swinging to gain momentum, and launching himself upwards to grab onto something else. Every time that you solve a planet’s conundrum, colour is restored to the land; by helping each planet’s inhabitants, the boy and the creature go down in history as space-faring heroes. Aether is a browser game that the developers describe as “an art game about personal childhood feelings and experiences.” It’s had over 1.5 million plays since its release in 2008.

Mighty Jill Off
Jill has been kicked to the bottom of the tower by her queen, and must now jump back up to the top again. Of course, it’s not that simple with spikes, fire, and the other traps that will knock Jill back down again if she’s not careful. You’ll find that the jumping controls are rather unique and tricky to master, making her ascent even more difficult. Pressing the Z key causes Jill to leap into the air at full speed; tapping it again while she’s airborne allows her to stop in mid-jump and fall back down again. If you tap Z rapidly as she drops, you’ll slow down her descent. You’ll need to perfect these moves if you want to reach the top of the tower, since precision jumps and drops are required throughout the game. Mighty Jill Off was inspired by the Bomb Jack arcade series from the ‘80s (the name comes from Mighty Bomb Jack, the second game). There’s another tower to climb for any player who manages to complete the game in less than 12 minutes.

Noitu Love and the Army of Grinning Darns
An organisation known as The Peacekeeper’s League keeps war at bay in the year 2188. Yet even with its protection, the world is not safe—the evil professor Darnacus Damnation has unleashed his army of Grinning Darns to wreak havoc. Fortunately, there is one hope for the people of the world: Noitu Love, a young boy with extraordinary fighting abilities. You’ll revel in the buttonmashing, beat-‘em-up action as, led by his teammate Lori, Noitu sets out to destroy the Grinning Darns. Later on you’ll discover machines that can turn Noitu into an animal, allowing him to access areas that he couldn’t earlier in the game. The pixel art in this game is lovely, the level design is slick and enjoyable, and the boss battles are particularly clever. A commercial sequel that focuses more on mouse gesturing to achieve special moves is also available. Noitu Love 2: Devolution is set 100 years after the events of the original game, and once again puts players up against the evil Darnacus Damnation as he resurrects his Darn army.

Described as an “art game,” Passage tells the story of a man’s journey through life. As you move the protagonist to the right, he proceeds through each stage of his existence until he eventually grows old and dies. Near the beginning of his journey, he passes a girl who will follow him if he gets close to her. Bring the girl with you, however, and you will no longer be able to grab some of the treasure chests that are scattered around the world. Yet when you reach the end of the game, your score fades away to nothing, symbolizing the balance of money and love—surely it’s more important to spend your life with someone you love than to chase riches that, on your deathbed, will have no meaning? Passage is just one of the games developed by Jason Rohrer, who is recognised as one of the key developers driving the art game scene forward.
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