游戏列表:《250 Indie Games You Must Play》(250)
整理自 Mike Rose 的著作《250 Indie Games You Must Play》
创建会员: dtq1997

The Thrill of Combat
The Thrill of Combat is quite possibly one of the most disorientating experiences you’ll ever have, even though the concept sounds simple (if a little bizarre): fly your helicopter into enemy territory, kill the soldiers, cut out their vital organs—and repeat. Your first 15 minutes, however, will be spent trying to maintain control over the helicopter and keeping it from crashing every few seconds. As your vehicle pitches forward and backward, so will the camera angle, creating an incredibly nauseating effect. Once you’ve managed to kill a couple of soldiers, dropping your gunner down to cut their organs out will be a whole different ball game, as you attempt to use your mouse to slice perfectly around each organ while at the same time keeping control of the helicopter. The pieces you collect get dumped back at your boat. The PC game is designed for two players, with one person controlling the helicopter while the other shoots and cuts, but a single player can do both. A free browser game called Party Boat that features elements from The Thrill of Combat is also available.

机器人先生 83 Mr. Robot
The interstellar-colony ship Eidolon has hundreds of cryogenically frozen humans on board, ready to begin new lives on the planet Prime. Unfortunately, the ship’s supercomputer malfunctions during the voyage and puts all of those lives at risk. A lowly service robot called Asimov steps up to save the day. Asimov must override the computer’s lockdown mode by solving puzzles, while at the same time evading crazed security bots. One half of the game involves jumping between platforms, flipping switches, and pushing boxes to progress; the other sees you hacking into terminals and fighting enemies via turn-based RPG action. Bits of energy called Energon can also be collected to earn cash and boost Asimov’s health. Mr. Robot also comes with a handy level editor for creating your own scenarios, and leaderboards for tracking your progress. A PC version is available for purchase.

伊鲁康吉 Irukandji
An Irukandji is a type of jellyfish, so it’s not surprising to find that the main character in this game is rather squid-like. Your mission is to blast any sea monsters that cross your path as you swim through an underwater trench. Each creature in Irukandji is procedurally animated, as is the gorgeous glowing ambience. The entire game is really a feast for the eyes, with beautiful explosions of neon colour and lovely particle effects. As you destroy your opponents, you collect power-ups that will boost your laser fire until you are a serious force to be reckoned with. Don’t get too complacent, however, as the giant crab boss at the end is far from a pushover. Irukandji has only one short level to play through, but there are six different jellyfish to control and each has its own unique firing pattern and individual online scoreboard. Available for PC and Mac, you can pay whatever price you want for the game.

求你了,时间绅士 + Ben There, Dan That! 特别合集版 84 Time Gentlemen, Please!
Inspired by classic LucasArts adventure games such as Monkey Island and Sam and Max, Time Gentlemen, Please! follows the exploits of moronic duo Ben and Dan as they accidentally wipe out the entire human race, then go back in time to fix their mistakes. As you’d expect, they actually make things a whole lot worse, and Hitler has soon taken over the world with his army of Nazi dinosaurs. The humour is very crude, very British, and very hilarious throughout as Ben and Dan continue to travel through time, solving puzzles and getting themselves into the most peculiar of situations. Items can be collected in one time period and carried into another, and environments range from the time of cavemen to futuristic surroundings packed with robots. Time Gentlemen, Please! is a sequel to free-to-play Ben There, Dan That, the first Ben and Dan adventure. It’s not necessary to play the first game to fully enjoy the second, and both are available for PC download.

啊啊啊!!!轻率漠视重力 81 AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
If you’re wondering how the name of this game is pronounced, imagine someone screaming while jumping from a very tall building. Indeed, the game is all about base jumping from huge structures and trying not to smash your face on too many obstacles on the way down. As you fall at top speed, a variety of bizarre dangers and floating skyscrapers will litter your path. Float close to any of these objects to “kiss” it and you’ll earn big points for bravery. Now and again you’ll catch spectators watching from the ground, and you can wave to your fans or flip off protesters. Later levels feature even more surreal obstacles to dodge around—along with city buildings to graffiti, birds to slam into, and needles to thread. Just remember to deploy your parachute before you hit the ground! Aaaaa! is available for PC. Dejobaan Games is currently working on a spiritual sequel to the game called 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby), which will combine the freefalling concept with a music game.

重力世界 75 And Yet It Moves
Named after a phrase supposedly uttered by Italian philosopher Galileo, And Yet It Moves is a platformer with a literal twist. Whenever the main character comes across a wall blocking his path, you can simply rotate the world until the wall becomes the floor. As the protagonist runs through this bizarre land made out of ripped pieces of paper, you can spin his surroundings to alter the direction of gravity. Not only will the hero be affected, but any objects or creatures in the vicinity will also be pulled downwards. With this in mind, it’s possible to build the hero’s momentum up as he continues to fall through space, although his days are numbered if he hits the ground at any speed. And Yet It Moves is available for PC, Mac, and the Nintendo Wii. The Wii- Ware version is particularly interesting, as you control the protagonist’s rotation by turning the Wii Remote.

With its old-school visuals, simple interface, and tough gameplay, Arvoesine is a homage to the classic NES platformers of the ‘80s. You are a Roman soldier launching spears at his foes and slashing his sword at anything that comes within range. The spears fly in an arc; therefore, the timing of your throws is crucial if you want to hit the target. If your adversaries manage to slip past the spears, the hero’s trusty blade will chop them down in an instant. Certain bad guys will give you a taste of your own medicine by firing projectiles in your direction, but they’ll be no match for your shield. At the end of each level, you’ll come up against some form of mythological being that must be destroyed before you are able to progress. Arvoesine is rather short, with only five levels to battle your way through. However, multiple playthroughs will reveal a clever scoring system that’s based on how many swings you take to kill each enemy. Once you realize this, you’ll have even more fun by trying to grab the highest scores possible. Arvoesine is available for PC download.

夜空 86 NightSky
When the sun is setting on the distant horizon, it’s time to get the ball rolling. NightSky gives players a sphere to control and hundreds of wonderful physics-based puzzles to overcome. The ball can be rolled left and right, but there’s far more to it than that. On each set of levels, the sphere takes on a couple of special powers that will help you roll on. Perhaps you’ll be able to zoom rapidly over ramps, or invert gravity and stick to the ceiling—discovering abilities and experimenting with the surroundings is half the fun! The level design is solid throughout, and the gorgeous backdrops make NightSky a real treat for the eyes. The game went through various name changes, including Skymning and Night Game, before developer Nicklas Nygren settled on NightSky. In development for nearly four years, the game is available for PC and Mac, with a Nintendo Wii version in the works at the time of writing.

血径迷踪 79 The Path
Based loosely on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, The Path is a horror game that explores various life experiences through the eyes of children. One by one, you play six girls who travel down a path to visit their grandmother. The game begins with the girl you’ve chosen standing at the beginning of a path that winds through a forest. Only one instruction is given: “Go to grandmother’s house and stay on the path.” If you follow this rule, you will visit your grandmother as planned and the game will be over. However, if you stray from the path, you’ll encounter a whole host of surreal, creepy situations and experiences. A different narrative goes with each girl, and several of the storylines are rather disturbing. When The Path was released for PC and Mac in 2009, it caused much controversy amongst the press and gamers alike, but it also picked up awards for best sound and best design at the Spanish hóPLAY International Video Game Festival.

Lunnye Devitsy
A small, moon-dwelling creature has fallen to Earth and wants to find its way home. Lunnye Devitsy (translated roughly as “Moon Girls” in Russian) follows the creature’s peculiar, pixelated ascent through the night sky. Your alien protagonist must explore Earth to find the things it needs to get home, even diving deep beneath the surface to solve puzzles and collect the necessary upgrades. You cannot be killed and therefore Lunnye Devitsy is a relaxing experience rather than an action-packed one. There are six different methods for reaching the moon—some require that you simply explore, while others involve collecting parts of a machine that can be used to propel you to the stars. The game was developed as a celebration of the first moon landings, which occurred just over 40 years ago when Lunnye Devitsy was released. Developer Boss Baddie also has a “Lunar Pack” for sale that includes both Lunnye Devitsy and another atmospheric game called Wake.

时空幻境 93 Braid
Perhaps one of the best-known indie games of recent years, Braid follows Tim as he tries to rescue his princess from a terrible monster. Tim’s ability to manipulate time will certainly serve him well on his quest. Using this power, he can move back to a previous moment and even bring himself back from the dead. As he progresses through the chapters, he finds areas and objects that are not affected by his powers, but in situations where he wants to alter the past while keeping certain other elements unchanged, this can be used to his advantage. Jigsaw puzzle pieces are scattered around the world, and Tim must collect these to open up the final chapter and find his missing sweetheart. Braid was the winner of the Innovation in Game Design Award at the Independent Games Festival in 2006, and was eventually released on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, and Mac. Many of the game’s platforming elements borrow from the classic Super Mario Brothers formula, but gameplay will cause you to question your understanding of the seemingly similar mechanics.

弹弹跳跳闪避人 81 VVVVVV
VVVVVV is a retro platformer with a unique twist. Pronounced “Vee,” the game features a main character who cannot jump, but who can flip upside down and walk on the ceiling. VVVVVV’s level design is built around this special mechanic, presenting players with an original way in which to dodge opponents and the game’s ever-present spikes as they navigate the complex rooms. Captain Veridian must search Dimension VVVVVV to find his five missing crewmates. He soon finds out that each of VVVVVV’s levels comes with its own set of environmental idiosyncrasies: like “The Tower,” which has the screen continually scrolling upwards, and “The Laboratory,” which features inversion planes that will cause him to flip in mid-air. Reportedly, VVVVVV’s name comes from the fact that the names of the six main characters all start with the letter V . . . but many players attribute it to the huge number of spikes in the game (and the name looks like a set of upside-down spikes).

粘粘世界 90 World of Goo
The World of Goo Corporation has disturbed the docile Goo Balls of the land by laying a strange pipe system to suck them all up. But the Goo Balls are curious little things, and can’t help taking a peek inside the pipes. Your objective is to connect some of the Goo together to create sturdy structures like towers and bridges that the remaining Balls can use to reach the pipe on each level. Gradually, different types of Goo Balls will be introduced and you’ll need to be clever about where you place the Goo. All the Goo Balls you’ve collected can then be used to create a huge tower in the corporation complex that reaches high into the sky, and your tower can be ranked online along with those created by other World of Goo players. World of Goo won two Independent Games Festival awards in 2008, and versions are available for PC, Mac, the Nintendo Wii, and the iPad. Kyle Gabler and Ron Carmel of 2D Boy ran a weeklong “Pay-What-You-Want” sale for the game’s first birthday—a promotion technique that has since become common in the indie game world.

Squid Yes! Not So Octopus!
Squid Yes! Not So Octopus! is a series of arena shooters that revel in big flashy explosions and utter chaos. You are a squid who fires laser beams out of his head as he battles the aliens attacking his planet. The squid can only shoot in the direction that he is facing, hence he’ll need to quickly move away from the oncoming hordes and then reverse direction, rushing towards them with laser fire blazing. Enemies will explode with bright, extravagant colours and it’ll soon become very difficult to see where you’re going. If you can last long enough, the aliens will finally retreat, leaving you to celebrate your victory. Developer Robert Fearon has put together a “Bundle of Wrong” on his website that gives you access to all his games, which you can purchase for whatever price you like. The collection includes all the SYNSO games and even some titles he’s still working on.

Where We Remain
Trapped on a mysterious, procedurally-generated island, you think only of finding your sweetheart who has been hidden away in one of the many dark and dangerous caves—and of evading the terrible beasts that roam the land outside the caves. Where We Remain gives you few hints about how you are supposed to find your love again. You must figure out on your own how best to explore the land and find the items that will aid your progress, while you also investigate the caverns that are filled with shadows of yourself. Don’t stand around thinking for too long, though, or terrifying clouds—shrieking in a most vile manner—will launch themselves at you. It’s incredible how scary the game can feel when such simple sound effects break the eerie silence! There are three endings, each dependent on how you go about finding your lost love, and multiple levels of difficulty for players who want a serious scare.

Give Up, Robot
Encouragement is overrated. In Give Up, Robot a sinister robotic voice constantly tells the bobbing hero to abandon his pointless voyage—and perhaps you should listen, as this game is seriously difficult! Your robot can fire a grappling hook and latch onto surfaces to swing across chasms and obstacles. The first dozen levels aren’t too taxing as you learn the different moves and discover the dangers that impede your progress. But when the harder levels kick in with their incredibly tricky areas to master, you’ll soon begin to wonder whether the voice is right. And, as if the later levels aren’t challenging enough, there’s also a special hard mode for when you’ve completed the main set of levels. With the game receiving more than 2.5 million plays, a sequel was bound to be in the works. Give Up Robot 2 leaves the psychedelic backdrop and stifling voice behind, opting for more open areas and even more swinging fun.

Ten mouse cursors must work together to reach the 16th floor of a tower. The twist is that you control only one cursor at a time, and must cooperate with previous versions of the pointer to proceed. Cursor*10 starts you off with a single mouse pointer that you use to click on the stairways and move up the tower. However, you’ll eventually come across a room that you can’t move past with a single mouse cursor, and at that point your current cursor’s life will run out. When you start again at the bottom of the stairs with the second cursor, you’ll notice cursor one springing into action and bolting up the stairs of the tower, moving in exactly the same way it did before. The goal is to arrange all the cursors so that the final one can reach the top and win the game. A sequel, Cursor*10 2nd Session, is also available to play online; it offers a brand new tower to scale.

In Maverick, you are a gunslinger in the wild—rather green—West. Since the hero cannot walk, he must instead use the momentum from firing his pistols rapidly to propel himself past numerous obstacles and dangers. As you pass through each section of the world, more obstacles (such as cacti and spikes) will be added. There are also sections that require you to shoot down a crumbling wall to progress, which may be tricky given that shooting the wall will cause your character to be propelled in the opposite direction. Eventually, you’ll also have to cope with gravity changes in the form of walls that become floors and gravity that disappears altogether. Every time the hero dies, a gravestone will be left in his place with a number on it to keep track of how many times he has bitten the dust. If you manage to beat all 15 levels, there is a ”magnificent magic pig” waiting for you with a present (although you may find that actually collecting the present is a little tricky).

I Wish I Were the Moon
I Wish I Were the Moon is a short love story told in the form of a puzzle game. A girl paddles along in a boat beneath a beautiful night sky, all the while looking up at the moon—and the boy perched atop it. You are tasked with finding all five possible endings to the game. Your only form of control is to click on the scene with your mouse, which allows you to take a snapshot of whatever you choose. You then click elsewhere to move whatever was in the snapshot—so, for example, you might want to take a photo of the boy and then drop him into the boat with the girl. It’s tricky to find all five endings, as it requires that you consider all possible combinations. The game was inspired by The Distance of the Moon, a short story from the book Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino. It was part of a collection of games called Moon Stories that were presented at the Tokyo Game Show during the Sense of Wonder Night.

The name Shift refers not only to the game’s main puzzle mechanic, but also to the button you’ll need to play the game. You are Subject 32763, and a series of black-and-white test rooms await your exploration. You need to reach the exit door in each room to move on, but after the first few levels, the doors suddenly appear to be out of reach. This is where the “Shift” concept comes in—the main character has the ability to flip 180 degrees so you can move onto the floor, at which point the screen will rotate and you’ll find yourself on the other side of the floor, giving you a whole new area to explore. You need to use this flipping tactic to solve a whole host of fiendish puzzles that will have you leaping over spikes and picking up keys. The game has been played over 3.5 million times in total, and numerous sequels have been released, including a couple of editions for the iPhone.

In the three-dimensional world of Boxgame, it’s hard to know which way is up. As you walk and jump around the perimeter of the game’s giant translucent boxes, floors can become walls, walls can become ceilings, and players will become disoriented. What happens depends on how you move around at the edges of the box. If you walk around the corner of two faces, you’ll move around the box, but if you jump above or fall below the face you currently occupy, then gravity (and the faces of the cube) will shift. A host of clever puzzles play off this mind-bending concept (try moving through two different edges in a single jump!). Players who are looking for more of a challenge can look for hidden teddy bears on each level. Boxgame was based on a student prototype called Qb that Sophie worked on with a team at her university. Having enjoyed working on developing the concept, she decided to take it in her own direction.

Harking back to the days of classic precision platformers such as Flashback and Prince of Persia, Boondog demands that you carefully consider each move that you make: a single incorrect leap, turn, or drop can end in disaster. The hero doesn’t have a huge range of moves you can play with—he can run, jump, hang, and push—yet every press of a button must be carefully considered. For example, he cannot fall a great distance, so instead of having him simply walk off a platform, you’ll have to move him to the edge and then let him hang off the side before he drops. Once you’ve got your head around the game’s mechanics, the puzzles will start to kick in, and you’ll have buttons to press and barrels to push. Your goal is to reach the portal on each level, but this is easier said than done thanks to the clever and devious level design. The game was originally released as a download title in 2008, but it was later ported to Flash by developer Miroslav Malesevic, so it can now be played on your web browser.

Corporate Climber
It takes hard work and dedication to earn a seat in the boardroom of a big corporation these days. Corporate Climber chronicles one man’s climb from lowly janitor to suit-wearing bigwig—and then his swift fall from grace. Starting in the basement, you’ll need to complete silly challenges on each floor to get promoted and move up to the next level. Initially, you’ll be fixing dangerous electrical wires and dodging rats, but eventually you’ll be firing surplus staff and literally “cooking the books.” Once he reaches the top, though, it all goes a little wrong for our hard-working hero and he suddenly finds himself headed in a different direction. There are an assortment of special unlocks and endings in Corporate Climber, like the five alternative events that can occur on the top floor of the building, and a secret floor with all the lights turned off that can only be reached if the character is wearing a particular outfit when scaling the tower.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
Latin for “The voice of the people is the voice of God,” Vox Populi, Vox Dei follows the brutal exploits of a ninja trying to save his ex-lover from the planet’s dominant race: werewolves. The hero can make himself invisible so that he can sneak up on the werewolves before he leaps through the air to drag the creatures to the ground. Once a werewolf is down, you hammer the space bar to rip the werewolf to shreds in a very bloody fashion. If a werewolf spots you before you strike, his chest will open up and a stream of bullets will fly out, knocking you to the ground instantly. The idea is to be as stealthy as possible and only use force when necessary, as you cannot move while on top of your opponent. The sheer brutality of your character’s actions compared to the werewolves’ attacks may make you wonder who, exactly, is the enemy in this tale. There have been around two million online plays, and developer Weremsoft is currently working on a sequel.

Loved is a short platformer with an underlying art game feel. You control a chubby monster, and must decide whether to obey an unidentified voice that is constantly barking orders as you help the monster avoid spikes and other dangerous obstacles. Over the course of the game, you can either give in to the rude voice’s commands or disobey everything it says; the world that emerges will be shaped by what you do. If you follow its orders, the world will become more detailed but remain black and white—go against the voice, however, and colour will begin to emerge and give the whole experience a completely different feeling. It’s worth playing through the game twice to see how the world, the text, and the ending are altered by whether or not you decide to comply. There is also a secret area to be found for intrepid explorers.

Robot Unicorn Attack
Rainbows, unicorns, and harmony are the cornerstones of Robot Unicorn Attack, a fast-paced platformer with automatic running. All you need to worry about is jumping between the ledges and smashing through brightlycoloured stars to make your “wish” come true. The unicorn is perpetually running towards the right, leaving a rainbow trail as it dashes along. You use the Z key to make it jump and then double jump, so that you can clear gaps and pursue your “wish.” Along the way you’ll need to use your X key to crash through stars, and dolphins will jump up from below as your score increases. The soundtrack is the icing on the cake—the song “Always” by British synthpop duo Erasure plays in the background and gives the game a fantastic atmosphere. The game has proved incredibly popular, with over 35 million plays at the time of writing. There is also a Heavy Metal and a Christmas edition.

K.O.L.M. follows a robot who has lost all his parts. His mother isn’t happy about it, and sends him out to retrieve them all so he can build himself back up. The game plays out in classic exploration-gaming style, with players collecting upgrades to open new pathways to explore. The little robot can barely move at first, and the screen is blurred since his visual chip is missing. Throughout play you’ll find parts that will allow him to walk, jump, shoot, duck, and perform many other useful actions. As the robot moves farther into the labyrinth, the action is shown on various CCTV cameras, which zoom in and out frequently to show the entire area. Eventually, you’ll find enough parts to allow the robot to escape from his mysterious surroundings. The game has been played roughly one million times and has been featured on a number of mainstream gaming sites, including the likes of PC Gamer and Rock Paper Shotgun.

Mamono Sweeper
Mamono Sweeper is a cross between the classic Windows game Minesweeper and an RPG. Instead of looking for mines, you hunt down monsters, and leveling up through experience allows you to kill even tougher creatures. The numbers on each grid space show you the total of the levels of the monsters in the adjacent squares. You can only attack monsters that have the same level as you or you’ll lose HP. You gain experience points every time you kill a monster, and eventually you’ll be able to go up a level and attack more monsters. In this way, you can slowly chip away at a grid, and finally kill every monster on it. You can also mark grid spaces with numbers to aid your progress. There are different-sized grids and alternate modes to play, including Blind mode (a style of play more like Minesweeper) and Extreme mode (a mode with far more high-level monsters). A version of the game called iMamono- Sweeper is available for the iPhone.

Blue Knight
The Blue Knight has been sent to the planet ERA-138 to destroy the species of aliens there and make the planet suitable for colonisation. Players will find that power-ups are the key to helping the hero explore the land, since they’ll enable him to venture into areas that he previously could not reach. You’ll need to dodge the various enemies at first, since you won’t have a weapon at the beginning of the game, but early on you’ll find a gun lying around and then the tables will turn. In fact, it’s essential to kill everything you come across, as your opponents will drop crystals that you’ll need to open special portals. Blue Knight is very much inspired by the Metroid series, in that adding power-ups such as your blaster or the diving suit is essential to allowing the protagonist to progress. Once you’ve managed to kill all the gatekeepers, you’ll be able to take on the boss alien and render planet ERA-138’s current population extinct.

A small dwarf’s father discloses on his deathbed that a secret treasure chest, which has been passed down through the family, can be found somewhere in the world. The tiny hero sets out to claim the treasure for his own, and soon discovers more than he bargained for. Initially, the protagonist is shunned by the other dwarves, who mock his size and ability. After falling from a great height, he is led by a being known as MALOP who asks the dwarf to collect a series of gems that will restore MALOP’s power. Players collect flowers and plants throughout the game to upgrade the hero’s abilities and allow him to venture farther into the world, and there is a plethora of quests and collectables to find. Endeavor also provides multiple endings, and the one you get will depend on how you play. The game was originally created as a 48-hour Ludum Dare contest entry; after developer “Zillix” missed the deadline, he decided to continue development and expand the game’s scope. The final product was released two months later.

神级跑步 QWOP
Qwop is a small nation’s only representative at the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, he wasn’t given much training, and the simple act of running is so challenging for him that he constantly topples over during the 100-metre sprint. You use the Q and W keys to pump the runner’s thighs, and the O and P keys to move his calves. His body moves like a ragdoll, and it’s incredibly difficult to run even a couple of metres—let alone the whole hundred! Players must work out the correct combination of button presses that will move Qwop forward, and then find a rhythm so that he’ll pick up some speed. The game tracks your current best run, and a help screen gives a few hints as to how you can succeed and make your nation proud. An iPhone version of QWOP is also available, which expands on the original browser version by adding other events like the hurdles, the long jump, and the 50-kilometre walk.

Coma introduces Pete, a strange little man in an even stranger world that features gorgeous scenes and an assortment of surreal characters. Pete can only run and jump, but he has a friendly bird that can pick up items for him. Pete’s sister is mentioned quite often, although you’re never explicitly told why. The idea is that this odd world that Pete is travelling through isn’t actually real at all, and in fact Pete is simply dreaming while in a deep coma. Part of the game is discovering what each of the elements in the world symbolize—for example, it’s safe to say that the “Dorebell” is a metaphor for Pete waking from his long sleep. Coma deals with a number of creepy themes, and at times can be rather dark in its execution. The misspellings of certain words, along with the childlike acquaintances and environments, suggest that Pete is in fact a young boy.

Far too cute for its own good, Tumbledrop is a physics-based balancing act that involves landing a smiling star on a platform surrounded by water. The star is perched precariously on top of a pile of blocks (each of which has its own beaming face), and you remove the blocks one by one in order to move the star onto the platform below. The idea is to keep the pile balanced at all times so that the star will stay at the centre of the platform and away from the water. You cannot simply remove all the blocks rapidly, however, as there’s a waiting period after you click each block before you can interact with the scene again. If the star begins to slip towards the sea, his face will show a look of terror before he disappears. Thanks to its simple premise and colourful palette, Tumbledrop has proved very popular online, and many clones have appeared since the game’s release. There is an iPhone version of Tumbledrop available too.

Developed in two days for the Global Game Jam 2010, Depict1 features a shady character who is constantly trying to get you killed. Your goal in each room is simply to reach the exit—but when the game doesn’t even tell you what the real controls are, this is easier said than done. From the very beginning of the game, the dark figure feeds you incorrect information, and you’re left to work out everything on your own (you may well find that there is more to be done even when it appears that the game has ended). Now and again the untrustworthy character will attempt to win back your confidence, but his intentions are never good. Depict1 does a great job of making you question everything you’ve ever learned about platforming games, since so much of the gameplay is counterintuitive. Renowned indie developer and musician Alec Holowka provided the soundtrack for the game.

Record Tripping
Record Tripping is a unique and stylish offering from Bell Brothers in which you use your mouse wheel to emulate the back-and-forth “scratching” motion on a record. You’re given a variety of tasks to complete while a record narrates Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in the background, and the record will scratch and slow down with each move of your wheel. There are easy, medium, and hard settings for each of the minigames and all five chapters are brimming with novel ideas. At one point, you’ll be reading arrival times at a train station, then manipulating a clock so that you can bring a train into the station and the rabbits can hop on board. At another, you’re asked to sort toys into the correct boxes as cats watch nearby nodding their heads to the beat of the music. Many indie gamers have noted the exceptional use of music in this game, which includes featured tracks from bands such as Gorillaz and Spoon. Record Tripping won the Games award at the 14th annual Webby Awards.

An astronaut is forced to make an emergency landing on a strange planet after her spaceship runs out of the crystals it uses for fuel. In Redder, you must dodge enemies as you explore underground ruins to find the crystals that will get your ship back into space. The astronaut does not have a weapon, and instead must safely navigate around robots and laser fire. Along the way, you’ll find switches to flick and clever puzzles to solve, and fortunately there are plenty of checkpoints so you can explore without worrying too much about getting killed. A world map is also available that can be used to travel to locations you have already visited. Most of Anna’s previous releases have been linear, with the disadvantage of—in Anna’s words—”tying the player to a train track.” Redder explores the idea of design “off the train tracks” and has a very Metroid feel to it.
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