Sir-Tech, 1988
MS-DOS, Apple II, C64, NES 和 SNES
Sir-Tech, 1988
MS-DOS, Apple II, C64, NES and SNES

大约在《巫术 1》发布的同时,一个热情的程序员:大卫・布拉德利(David W. Bradley)也开始制作一款野心勃勃的作品《龙之息(Dragon's Breath)》1984 年,他寄出游戏交给 SirTech 公司,后者同意将其发布,但有一个条件:使其重做为《巫术》的第五部作品。
但是,《巫术 4》陷入了研发困境,直到 1987 年底才完成,迫使布拉德利的游戏推迟了数年。
这个曲折的故事解释了为什么《漩涡之心(Heart of the Maelstrom)》与初版《巫术》如此相似,尽管后者在七年后才发布。
其他增加的武器包括射程更广的军械,游泳能力以及在地牢里增加了一些友善的 NPC。还有新的法术,包括生物召唤,魔法屏障等,所有这些元素都拓展出更多了新的战术方法。
虽然这些改进使游戏变得更好,但在《巫术 5》中最突出的是布拉德利的剧本和游戏设计。幽默在游戏中无处不在,使得每一次对话或物品的描述感觉像是对玩家的奖励。游戏允许玩家与 NPC 互动,如恼人的金罐、可怜的疯狂踩踏者、火花鸭或醉酒的巫师,其中许多角色可以被贿赂、扒窃甚至攻击。
Around the time the first Wizardry game was released, an enthusiastic programmer known as David W. Bradley started working on an ambitious RPG called Dragon's Breath. In 1984 he sent the game to Sir-Tech, which agreed to publish it on one condition: to remake it as the fifth Wizardry.
Wizardry IV, however, got stuck in development hell and would only be completed at the end of 1987, forcing Bradley's game to be postponed for years.
This tortuous story explains why Heart of the Maelstrom is so similar to the original Wizardry on the surface, despite being released seven years later.
Yet all that time wasn't wasted idling. Maelstrom is an iterative title that meticulously improves the most lacking aspects of previous games. The Thief, for instance, used to be a pretty useless class; now he's required to pick locked doors and search for secrets, can sneak around in combat to launch surprise attacks and is able to use a bow to fight from the back row.
Other additions include polearms with extended range, the ability to swim and friendly NPCs that roam the dungeons. There are also new spells, including creature summoning, magical barriers and monster charming, all which add new tactical elements.
While these gameplay improvements make the game much better, what stands out in Wizardry V is D.W. Bradley's writing and design. Humour is ever present, making each dialogue or description feel like a reward to the player. The game allows players to interact with memorable NPCs like the annoying Pot of Gold, the pitiful Mad Stomper, the Duck of Sparks or the drunk sorcerer, and many of these characters can be bribed, pickpocketed or even attacked.
The dungeon also gained personality. With few sentences, Bradley turns wire-frame walls into dens of thieves, shady taverns or even disco ball rooms.
与《巫术 1-3》一样,现在我们建议玩 SNES 重制版的《漩涡之心》,因为它的画面和界面都很出色。
Much like Wizardry I-III, nowadays we suggest playing the SNES remake of Heart of the Maelstrom, due to its superior graphics and interface.
地牢的形状也进化了。在以前的游戏中,地图仅限于 20x20 的网格网,但是现在,巨大的关卡以无法预测的形状延伸,从而挑战了每个玩家的地图制作能力。
对我来说,《漩涡之心》是最后一部还带有《巫术》初心的游戏。后面的续作变得越来越先进,从客观上说是“更好”的 RPG,但我始终觉得该系列的“成长”丢失了一些游戏的趣味。
Their very shape comes into play; in previous games they were limited to a 20x20 grid, but now huge levels stretch in unpredictable shapes, challenging the map-making skills of any player.
Heart of the Maelstrom is, for me, the last Wizardry game with a child's heart. The following titles grew increasingly more advanced and became objectively “better” RPGs, yet I always felt something intangible was left behind with the series' “come of age”.

地牢中友善的 NPC 是《巫术 5》重要的改进之一,这些 NPC 对于解决游戏中的难题至关重要。
The friendly NPCs that roam the dungeons are one of the big additions to Wizardry V. They are vital to solve the game's many puzzles.

《巫术 5》的美术师显然经验丰富,但是该游戏的 CGA 图像在诸如《地下城主》与《魔法门 2》之类的游戏之后显得非常过时。
Wizardry V's artist was clearly skilled, but the game's CGA graphics were terribly outdated next to games like Dungeon Master and Might and Magic II.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明