BioWare, 2000
Windows, Mac (iOS 和 Android)*
BioWare, 2000
Windows, Mac (iOS and Android)*

对我来说,《博德之门 2:安姆的阴影(Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn)》(后简称 BG2)不仅仅是一款游戏,更是一段难忘的旅程:生机勃勃的费伦(Faêrun)大陆如画卷般在我眼前徐徐展开。我有义结金兰的知己、也有不共戴天的仇敌,他们各有过往,性格各异,真实有趣,独特迷人。这是我人生第一款 CRPG 游戏,让我爱之入骨、难以忘怀。
BG2 接续前作剧情,但哪怕你没玩过前作,也不会影响本作的剧情体验。故事发生在“被遗忘的国度”(Forgotten Realms),这里历史悠久,奥秘无穷。主角是葛立安(Gorion)的养子,是谋杀之神巴尔(God of Murder, Bhaal)的后裔。
Baldur's Gate II: Shadow of Amn for me was more than a game; it was an unforgettable journey throughout the world of Faêrun that came alive before my eyes, with friends and villains with believable yet interesting and unique histories and personalities of their own. It was my first CRPG ever, and one that I fell absolutely in love with.
BG2 continues the story of the first game, but you can skip BG1 if you wish without losing much. Set in the Forgotten Realms, rich in detail and history, you assume the role of Gorion's ward, one of the many offspring of the deceased God of Murder, Bhaal.
The story unfolds as your unique heritage draws the attention of a powerful mage, Irenicus, whose sole motive is to “unlock your power” for his own use. I loved how the villain's true nature is cleverly disguised with his seemingly unemotional nature in the beginning and his powerful dialogues are delivered with masterful voice acting which blew me away.
Ultimately, the story of BG2 is a personal one: a journey of discovery and the protagonist's struggle against their own nature, mirrored by the villain.
* 2013 年,Overhaul Games 发布了《博德之门 2:增强版(The Enhanced Edition of Baldur’s Gate II)》。该版本增加了新内容,支持宽屏显示,修复了 bug,还做了新的移植版本。
* The Enhanced Edition of Baldur's Gate II, released by Overhaul Games in 2013, adds new content, wide-screen support, bug fixes and new ports.

Dream sequences allow you to interact with the villain, offering insight into his views and atmosphere to the game.
总的来说,BG2 的故事围绕主角的内心成长而展开——在冒险中获得心灵的蜕变,努力对抗内心的邪恶面,与反派的性格遥相呼应。
鉴于此,主角的战友们自然会在 BG2 发挥举足轻重的作用,他们与主角一路同行,影响主角的抉择。这些 NPC 刻画得栩栩如生,有自己的专属支线任务,性格各异,会在旅途中与主角搭话,还会彼此调侃斗嘴,与前作相比,这是莫大的进步。每个 NPC 都会记得玩家之前所做的决定,基于此对玩家的抉择做出不同的反应,或引为知己,或视若仇寇、或暗生情愫。我特别喜欢这款游戏的同伴互动机制,玩家可以加深对他们的了解,进而影响他们的性格、乃至于救赎他们的灵魂,整个过程引人入胜。
Naturally, it is fitting that your companions play a huge role in BG2, influencing your decisions as you bond with them throughout your journey. The NPCs are extremely well-developed, with their own unique quests, personality and banter with you or with each other, which was the biggest improvement compared to its predecessor. Each NPC will remember their previous conversations with you and react to your decisions accordingly, allowing you to be their friend or enemy, or even start a romantic relationship. This is the part I enjoyed the most in BG2; it was such a satisfying experience, to get to know them, help them develop and even save their soul.
Most of your companions can be found within the city of Athkatla, which functions as your base of operations in the early game, where you are given freedom to explore and experience the city and other neighbouring regions. Athkatla is a delight to explore; each part of the city is well fleshed out, populated by townsfolk of different statuses or professions. While it outwardly appears that the city is co-governed by a merchant council and a sinister group of mages, there are other powerful organisations that play prominent roles and soon you will find yourself caught amidst their struggle over control of the city. You also have the chance to increase your standing within Athkatla through the stronghold quests which vary depending on your player character's chosen class.
During your journey, you'll find a wealth of sidequests; so much that you might feel overwhelmed at times. Most of the quests are varied, well-written, and often incorporate puzzles, ranging from simple riddles, to elaborate plots with you playing the role of a detective – for example, one has you attempting to prove your sanity by answering riddles in order to escape from a prison where mental “deviants” are held.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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