Crystal Shard, 2013
Windows 和 Linux
Crystal Shard, 2013
Windows and Linux

就文字冒险类游戏领域而言,Crystal Shard 可谓是老熟人了。这家独立工作室自 2001 年起便开始制作这类游戏,但其中大多数都是使用“冒险游戏工坊”(Adventure Games Studio)制作的,而且还都免费。因此我起初对《女英雄任务:诸神黄昏的预兆(Heroine’s Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok)》并不抱多大的期待。
然而我错了,它就像是一个雪乐山(Sierra)[1] 在 2013 年推出的平行宇宙版《荣耀任务(Quest for Glory)》[2] 一样,有着同样的 VGA 图像,只不过是体量更大,有着更多的 RPG 要素并且内容调整至北欧神话。这便是《女英雄任务:诸神黄昏的预兆》。没错,它就是这么棒。
任何《荣耀任务》的粉丝都能从中找到宾至如归的感觉。优秀的老雪乐山式交互界面,战士(Warrior)、女术士(Sorceress)、盗贼(Rogue)三种职业,以及与怪物间的独特战斗,这一切都再熟悉不过了。不过还记得这是一个平行宇宙的版本吗?所以除了游戏中的一些关于《哈利波特(Harry Potter)》、《霍比特人(The Hobbit)》以及其他带有现代元素的笑话之外,这游戏也是相当的新颖。
Crystal Shard is not new to adventure games. This indie studio has been developing them since 2001, but most of them are made with Adventure Games Studio and, on top of that, they are all free. So I didn't expect much of Heroine's Quest.
I was wrong. Imagine a parallel universe where Sierra released Quest for Glory in 2013, with the same VGA graphics, but bigger, with more RPG stats, and tuned to the Norse mythology. That's Heroine's Quest. Yes, it's that good.
Any fan of QfG will immediately feel at home. It's all very familiar: the similar graphics, the good old Sierra interface, the three classes – Warrior, Sorceress and Rogue – and the distinct battles with monsters. But it's a parallel universe, remember? So, apart from some jokes about Harry Potter, The Hobbit and other modern references, the game is quite original.
Your heroine arrives in a small town during an unusually long winter. As it happens, this winter is unnatural, a sign of the forthcoming Ragnarok – the end of the world at the hands of monsters and frost giants. And, of course, it's up to you to save the world, regardless of your initial less-then-average physical conditions and zero equipment.
The Adventure part is quite solid: most tasks are logical, and very rarely require guessing. Moreover, key tasks are marked on your map, so you'll never lose track. Most quests can be solved in several ways, and each class has their own personal quests and goals. As a result, playing each class feels like a distinctively different game that follows the same plot and setting, so you could easily play it at least trice.
The role-playing aspect is also very well-thought-out. Your success in certain puzzles is determined by several stats and skills, which improve during your adventures while you use them, quite naturally.
《女英雄任务:诸神黄昏的预兆》可以在 Steam 和开发者网站 上免费下载获取。
Heroine's Quest is free, available for download on Steam or on the developer's website:
也因此,爬树可以提升“攀爬”(Climb)技能和“力量”(Strength)属性;释放“炎之盾”(Fire shield)将会提升相应的技能和“魔法”(Magic)属性,而与随机的怪物战斗则会提升几乎所有技能和属性——前提是你得活下来。
Thus, climbing a tree will raise the “Climb” skill and also the “Strength” stat; casting “Fire shield” will raise the correspondent skill and the “Magic” stat; while battling with random monsters will raise almost everything – if you live to tell the tale.
Finally, there's also a day-and-night cycle and three conditions you must constantly monitor: Cold, Sleep and Hunger. Sadly, while they offer some challenge at first, later they become simply a distraction that prevents you from finishing the game too fast.
Regardless, Heroine's Quest is great, and I fully recommend it to any adventure lover – especially to those fond of the Quest for Glory games.

Battles are very similar to those of Quest for Glory I-III, but can offer a lot of options depending on your class, skills and items.

游戏采用了与《国王密使 5》(King’s Quest V)和《荣耀任务 3》等雪乐山游戏近似的交互界面。
The game uses an icon-based interface similar to that of classic Sierra games like King’s Quest V and Quest for Glory III.
1 译者注:雪乐山公司(Sierra Entertainment)是一家专门制作和出版电子游戏的公司,成立于 1980 年。雪乐山的前身是在线系统公司,于 1980 年成立,创立者为 Ken Williams 和 Roberta Williams,他们一起在家里进行游戏的制作和公司的管理。他们发行的第一个游戏是《谜之屋》,是世界上第一个图像冒险游戏。
2 译者注:《英雄传奇》系列是雪乐山于 1989 到 1998 年期间开发的冒险解谜类游戏,系列共有五部。游戏将冒险解谜中加入了采取了即时制战斗系统的角色扮演要素,并且在当时同类型游戏中极为大胆地采用了角色导入系统。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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